Why more men should give Pilates a go – like Richard Osman

After turning 50, Richard Osman realized that he needed to find a type of exercise that he truly enjoyed, and he finally settled on reforming Pilates.

“I started doing Pilates this year, which I love,” says the 51-year-old writer and presenter, who recently released his latest novel, The bullet that missed. “It’s like exercise, but no, you’re lying down. It’s amazing.”

“When you finish it, your muscles ache. You think, wow, it’s what I’ve always been looking for: something that stretches you out a lot, there’s a lot of time to lay down, but it also makes you strong.”

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Osman is such a convert that he now “wholeheartedly” recommends it to everyone else, adding, “It’s always harder than you think.”

However, it took Osman a while to find Pilates. “I’ve never really been into exercise that much. I like to do a little bit of boxing, but other than that, this [Pilates] it’s pretty good,” he says, noting that he’s particularly grateful for the benefits because, at 6-foot-7, his bones and joints “need protection.”

Once the reserve of dancers, Pilates has a persistent reputation as “for women,” but Osman is part of a growing trend for men to give it a try.

“It’s sometimes considered a women’s workout, because it includes elements of mobility and stretching that stereotypically aren’t key areas of focus in many men’s workouts,” says Adam Ridler, director of fitness for Ten Health & Fitness. “And it excludes heavy weights, HIIT and excessive sweating, which, equally stereotypically, are [known as more of a focus for men’s workouts],”

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But there are plenty of reasons for all genres to give it a try, particularly as Ridler puts it: “Pilates is a suitably challenging, if tricky, full-body workout. Even with seemingly simple exercises, it focuses on the action itself and is precise in its delivery.” execution. often turns out to be much more difficult than they thought.”

It’s all about time under tension and small movements, which can really test your muscles.

Benefits include “improvements in strength, muscular endurance, balance, flexibility, and mobility, as well as injury prevention (physicians often recommend it for people with back pain). The last four benefits are perhaps the most relevant, since they are elements that men tend to undervalue in their training”.

Pilates has a wide range of benefits (Alamy/PA)

And because of Pilates’ “technical approach and immersive nature,” Ridler says it’s “a more mindful experience than many workouts, helping relieve stress and anxiety.”

Still not convinced? “Most men initially find Pilates as an addition to their training, however the transfer to other activities they do is quickly apparent,” says Ridler.

“It can help men lift heavier weights in the gym, improve power and reduce injuries in contact sports, improve stability and thus speed and efficiency on the bike, track and swimming pool, to list just a few examples. And from personal experience as a club and national level rower, Pilates helped me find extra speed on the boat.”

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