Why shouldn’t boys stand up and go to the toilet? Know the reason from the health expert

Whether it is a public toilet or a house, men are seen standing and urinating everywhere. Many toilets are also made in such a way that they can urinate while standing. However, do you know how harmful this method of toileting is for your health? We are not saying this, but experts believe that instead of standing up, men should toilet while sitting.

Doctors in the Netherlands have found that toileting while sitting is more beneficial for men. Those men, who are facing problems related to the Protest, should use the toilet while sitting. This is because urine comes out faster by doing toilet while sitting, while doing it standing slows down its flow. Doctors say that toileting while standing can cause contraction of your spine and pelvis muscles.

Who should sit on the toilet?

According to a 2014 study, men have been sitting on the toilet for centuries. However, nowadays most men are seen urinating while standing. By urinating while standing, the muscles of pelvis and hips do not feel relaxed. That’s why it is said that it is more beneficial to urinate while sitting. Peeing while sitting can be beneficial for those people who cannot stand for long. Apart from this, people who feel that their bladder is not completely empty, they should also urinate while sitting.

bladder needs to be empty

Dr. Jesse N., Professor in the UCLA Department of Urology. Mills said that this research does not mean at all that everyone should urinate while sitting. If you feel that your bladder gets completely empty even after urinating while standing, then urinate while standing and if your bladder is not empty then choose the option of sitting. Keep in mind that the bladder should be completely empty while urinating, because if this does not happen, the problem of stone can arise and many diseases can also be embraced.

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Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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