Will eating curd on an empty stomach in the morning cause gas problems? Know its advantages and disadvantages

During the summer season, most people like to eat things that keep their stomach cool. Fruits, vegetables, curd, juice, salad, etc. But people often don’t know whether they should eat curd in the morning on an empty stomach or not? However, curd is rich in vitamins, calcium, protein, iron, phosphorus, folic acid and magnesium. But whether it’s okay to eat it on an empty stomach is often a matter of debate.

Can you eat curd on an empty stomach?

Curd is no less than a boon for the stomach in summer. Some people like to eat milk or its products for breakfast, but is it okay to eat curd? The great thing about curd is that you can eat it in many ways. You can eat it in many ways like oats, chia seeds, rice, fruits.

You can also prepare lassi and drink it. You can also eat raita. But for your information, let us tell you that if you eat curd on an empty stomach, its benefits double. Let us know the benefits of eating curd on an empty stomach.

Curd contains an abundant amount of probiotics, which is very good for the intestine. Eating curd on an empty stomach in the morning leads to weight loss and eating curd in breakfast also reduces stomach problems.

immunity becomes stronger

Eating cottage cheese on an empty stomach strengthens immunity. Curd is rich in vitamin C. Apart from strengthening the immune system, it also increases the capacity of immunity.

Good for the stomach and digestion

Eating curd on an empty stomach in the morning aids digestion. Curd contains vitamin B12 and also contains Lactobacillus bacteria which is very good for health. As a result, healthy bacteria multiply in the stomach. Along with this, digestion also improves.

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Help with weight loss

If you want to lose weight, eat cottage cheese on an empty stomach in the morning. Eating curd reduces obesity. Curd contains elements that keep the hormone cortisol in the body under control, which also improves metabolism.

keeps bones strong

Eating cottage cheese on an empty stomach in the morning strengthens bones. This provides calcium, phosphorus and protein to the body. This nutrient is good for bone health. Eating curd for breakfast relieves arthritis.

Which people should not eat cottage cheese on an empty stomach?

An asthmatic patient should not eat curd on an empty stomach or in any other way, because due to the acidity in it, mucus begins to increase. Eating curd in case of asthma causes accumulation of phlegm in the chest.

People suffering from gas and acidity problems should not eat curd on an empty stomach.

People who have gas and acidity problems should not eat curd on an empty stomach. Additionally, those who have a poor digestive system should avoid eating curd. Especially at night, one should not eat curd at all. These people should not eat curd with urad dal, it may prove dangerous for the diet.

Disclaimer: Some information in news stories is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.

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