Work Out at Work: 6 Simple Exercises You Can Do at Your Desk

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Finding the time for a full workout may not be possible for everyone’s schedule. However, if you spend your days sitting at a desk, there are plenty of simple exercises you can do while you work.

These days, almost everyone’s schedule is so packed that hitting the gym or just finding an extra 30 minutes to work out can be a real challenge. But these easy desk exercises let you exercise while you work, and you won’t even break a sweat!

Trade in your desk chair for a Swiss ball


Known for their versatility, swiss exercise balls they are a great way to improve your balance and strengthen and challenge your core. All you have to do is balance on it while typing on your computer.

This is exactly why they are also called stability balls. They help you maintain good posture by preventing you from slouching. Using a Swiss ball also relieves lower back pain as it will not put too much weight on the sacrum. They also keep you alert and ready to spring into action at a moment’s notice.

Get a walk or stand desk


Long office hours also mean long periods of sitting. Some days the only exercise you get is a few trips down the hall to the bathroom or to refill your coffee in the break room. Because of this, many companies encourage their employees to trade their desks for standing versions. Some are even adding treadmills to their standing desks to keep them moving.

desktop treadmills They are a great invention. They usually don’t go faster than 4 mph, so there’s no fear of injury or sweating. Treat your Zoom meetings like a walk and a chat in the park. Not only will you feel better and keep your blood circulating, but you’ll probably find yourself more productive as well.

If your business won’t invest in or allow desktop treadmills, but will approve of standing desks, go for one of those. It will still allow you to move more, even if you’re just shifting your weight from one foot to the other.

Keep your legs working with a stationary bike


You may not find yourself at the Olympics anytime soon, but riding a stationary bike while working on that presentation or chatting with Alice from accounting is an awesome workout. Even when you’re not pedaling, simply sitting on a bike seat instead of a chair will work your core, keep your legs contracted, and keep your spine from slouching.

If you already have a standing desk, you can add a working bike, especially if you work from home. Or you can invest in this amazing desk bike by FlexiSpot. It has a work surface large enough for your laptop, tablet, and phone.

Pedal your office chair with a mini bike


Maybe your office is not ready for a collaboration with soul cycle soon, but that doesn’t mean you can’t keep pedaling! East GOREDI Mini Exercise Bike it fits under any desk, so no one has to know it’s there if you don’t want them to.

Choose one for your office or co-working space, or use it in the living room while you watch TV. However, these little bikes are really addictive, so you may find yourself burning off those extra calories without feeling like you’re putting in the extra effort.

Toss some resistance bands in your bag

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The smallest and easiest exercise tool to smuggle into any office is a resistance band set. Not only will they help you get some exercise, but they can also make long days at the office more fun.

You can wrap them around your thighs or ankles to work your quads, hamstrings, and glutes, or strap them to your desk and work your arms by pulling on them. They’re a super easy way to get your blood pumping and your heart rate racing between meetings.

Work on some stretches

Just doing a few simple stretches throughout the day can benefit your physical (and mental) health. Stretching not only improves circulation, it can also increase your focus and concentration, and give you more energy.

there are tons of Stretches you can do at the office, even if you are wearing a dress or a suit. Build your own routine, or just follow the video above for ask the doctorjo. Pay special attention to your neck and back, as they are the areas most affected by hours of sitting.

If you’re having trouble fitting into a daily workout, it’s time to multitask! Just because you’re stuck in the office all day doesn’t mean you have to skip your workouts. Any of these simple, yet effective options will ensure you get your work and exercise hours in each day.

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