World Health Day: How is mental health important for children and working professionals

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How important is mental health for children and working professionals?

Maintaining good mental health has become essential for people of all ages. With so much going on, it sometimes becomes too much to bear, especially for children and people who work as professionals.

Children have to focus on their studies, curricular activities they want to excel at, new things they want to learn and try, etc. Their attention is divided between many things that they need to focus on. As a result, they become stressed because they cannot perform as expected in one or more of the activities they do. For example, they can’t score as expected or they don’t perform well in their basketball trials. Situations like these have a significant impact on the health of children.

Similarly, working professionals also have a lot on their plates. Sometimes they are torn between their personal life and their professional life. There are deadlines at work, meetings to manage, and business trips. In addition, there are children’s school activities in which they must participate, home conditions in which they must concentrate, and many other things that sometimes deteriorate the mental health of the professionals who work.

Mental health is essential for children to focus efficiently in every area they are involved in and excel with great success.

For working adults, mental health is vital so that their efficiency and productivity in the workplace is not compromised. They can give the best of their efforts to your organization.

Therefore, some standard solutions that could help children and working professionals could be a regular practice of yoga, meditation, reduction of junk food, an increase in healthy and nutritious foods in the diet, etc. All of these solutions will help them stay mentally and physically. to fit in.

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(This article is attributed to Dr. Priya Kaul, life coach and spiritual healer)

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the author. They do not reflect the views of India TV.

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