World Mental Health Day: Understanding factors fueling rise of mental illnesses

The world is going through its most dynamic phase of transformation, where every activity happens at a dizzying pace. The development of technology and communication has reduced the vast world to such an extent that one can easily access another in the blink of an eye and with the click of a button.

Today, despite being largely connected in the age of social media, where people are less likely to stray from the mainstream and have plenty of room to socialize, the world at large is suffering from a wave of disease. in the form of anxiety, isolation, overthinking, insomnia, and depression, to name a few.

Social Networks vs. Mental health

Social media and its impact on mental health

In 2018, psychologist Melissa G. Hunt published her findings in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology about the impact of social media on everyday life. In this research, 143 students at the University of Pennsylvania were divided into two groups, where one group was allowed to continue regular use of social media and the other was advised to reduce their daily use by 30 minutes.

The three-week survey, in which each individual shared screenshots and logs of their daily usage with researchers, found that the group that used social media regularly was more prone to depression, anxiety, and moodiness. fear of missing out (FOMO) than the group. others who used social media in a controlled manner.

WHO Initiative to promote Mental Health:

This year, the World Health Organization (WHO) celebrates World Mental Health Day 2022, with the slogan “Making mental health and well-being a global priority”.

According to WHO reports, before the global Covid crisis, one in eight people in the world suffered from some type of mental disorder. The pandemic has further increased the rate of depression and other forms of mental illness by a staggering 25% by inducing short-term and long-term stress.

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The WHO has called on people, institutions and governments around the world to step up and work together to eradicate the evils of mental illness by ensuring the restoration of human values, health care and social connectivity.

In addition to the atmosphere created by social media platforms and the current Covid 19 crisis, there are many other aspects of mental health that are widely ignored and rarely made known to the public.

Factors that affect mental health and its symptoms:

Dr Sujata SahooDr Sujata Sahoo, MBBS, MD, DNB, Department of Psychiatry, SCB Medical College, Cuttack

According to Dr. Sujata Sahoo, Senior Resident, Department of Psychiatry, SCB Medical College, Cuttack, “The roots of mental illness can be divided into three main categories that are determined by the Bio-psychosocial model (BPS model), which includes Biology, Social and Psychological Factors.”

For example, biological factors are based on physical health, genetic vulnerabilities, and the effects of drugs. Meanwhile, social factors include peers, family circumstances, and relationships, while psychological aspects cover social skills, coping skills, self-esteem, and mental health. Furthermore, research claims that almost 18% of suicide cases are the result of repeated attempts. Victims have tried to take their own lives before.

Asked about the social stigmas associated with mental health, she added: “Mental illness is like any other form of illness, if treated at the earliest stage, a person can enjoy a long life without any problems. People should see a doctor if they experience symptoms such as low mood, chronic depression, cognitive impairment, and an ongoing feeling of pessimism.”

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Khaki’s take on mental illness:

According to psychologists, more than 70% of police officers suffer from some kind of mental illness, it is due to the nature of their profession that it is truly thankless. The life of a police officer is much more challenging than that of a civilian. Since they work under an incredible workload, with a lack of flexibility in terms of working hours, vacations and poor social and private life that ultimately leads to a path of stress and chronic depression.

Amitabh Thakur, IPS

Shri Amitabh Thakur, IPS, IG Operations, Odisha

In a phone conversation with Amitabh Thakur, IPS, who currently works as IG Odisha Operations, when asked how he deals with the stress that arises due to daily activities, he said: “Mental health plays a crucial role in applying of the law, an officer must be sound both mentally and physically to discharge his responsibilities conscientiously.”

When asked how he maintains good mental health, he said, “You have to do some kind of hobby to keep yourself busy, and at the same time help deal with stress. In my case, I enjoy doing sports, cooking and gardening from time to time. Also, practice a regular exercise schedule. And yes, I do enjoy my cup of milk tea and I always try to spend my free time with my family as they are the real force and stress busters.”

He further adds: “It is the responsibility of police officers to deal generously and patiently with the public. Because when someone arrives at a police station, they are often in a distressed situation. At that point, officers should ignore any form of verbal dispute and try to approach the problem with empathy. He says officers are regularly trained through seminars, yoga events and psychological counseling sessions.

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According to a WHO report, one in three people suffers from depression in India, making it one of the countries most severely affected by mental predation in the world. Meanwhile, it is estimated that nearly 300 million people suffer from depression caused by various factors.

The World Federation for Mental Health, the parent organization that launched “World Mental Health Day” on October 10, 1992, is constantly trying to raise awareness, campaign and hold events to educate people about the importance of mental health. and equal treatment. of people suffering from some type of mental disorder with the collaboration of the World Health Organization.


WHO official website

Penn University official website

Telephone interviews:

Shri Amitabh Thakur, IPS, IG Special Operations, Odisha Police
Dr Sujata Sahoo, MBBS, MD, DNB, Department of Psychiatry, SCB Medical College




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