World Sleep Day: Why is Good Sleep Necessary For People With Diabetes?

World Sleep Day: People with type 2 diabetes have sleep disorders or unstable sleep patterns. High sugar levels (hyperglycemia) and low sugar levels (hypoglycemia) can lead to irregular sleep patterns. Irregular sleep patterns can lead to fatigue and insomnia the next day. On this World Sleep Day, let’s try to understand the relationship between diabetes and a good night’s sleep.Also read – World Sleep Day: 7 Tips for Sleeping Better at Night and How It Helps Improve Quality of Life

The connection between diabetes and your sleep patterns Also read – Can’t sleep at night? Try these mental tricks to beat insomnia and calm your mind

Diabetes or any other chronic condition can lead to stressful situations that can make you extremely anxious and lead you to stay awake at night. When you suffer from hyperglycemia, your kidneys force you to urinate more often and this causes you to wake up more often at night. High blood sugar levels can also lead to thirst, fatigue and headaches, which interfere with your sleep patterns. On the other hand, low blood sugar levels can make you sweat during your sleep or wake you up feeling irritated or confused. So both hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia can cause you trouble sleeping. Also read – How to manage diabetes during the holiday season? Easy Tips for Diabetics by Expert

How can a bad sleeping pattern affect your sugar levels?

Both diabetes and your sleep patterns work. Poor sleep patterns can adversely affect your sugar levels. If you don’t get enough sleep, it can affect your insulin resistance, oxidative stress, etc. People with irregular sleep patterns have been shown to follow an irregular diet which leads to an increase in their sugar levels. If your sleep patterns are irregular, it can increase levels of the hormone ghrelin, which controls appetite. It leads to a decrease in leptin, the hormone that gives us a feeling of fullness or contentment. To compensate for low energy levels, people resort to high calorie foods. This immediately raises their sugar levels and puts them at risk for obesity. Obesity is another risk factor that leads to type 2 diabetes.

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Sleeping disorder associated with diabetes

When it comes to diabetes, you may be suffering from a specific disorder. In general, people with type 2 diabetes may suffer from the following disorders:

  • Obstructive sleep apnea – In this disorder, the person may stop breathing at repetitive intervals throughout the night. It can leave them gasping for breath. The person may not be aware of his / her condition and may need the help of his / her spouse to analyze his / her situation and take necessary corrective action. It usually affects people who are overweight or obese.
  • Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) – This is a general condition of the nervous system where the person has uncomfortable sensations which cause excessive desire to move the legs or arms. Diabetes is also caused by peripheral neuropathy (DPN) where nerve damage is present and tingling is present in the legs which can make it difficult for diabetics to get enough sleep. Symptoms may include pain in the extremities, numbness, and tingling. Both RLS and DPN can lead to long-term nerve damage if not treated in a timely manner by a healthcare provider.

Diabetes and other problems associated with sleep patterns

People who have type 2 diabetes and have irregular sleep patterns also suffer from other problems. They experience fatigue and are unable to follow a proper diabetes-care routine. They cannot do a workout routine or closely monitor their blood sugar levels. Having irregular sleep patterns can also lead to many mental problems. It contributes to everyday stress which, in turn, can raise your blood sugar levels.

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Treatment of sleep apnea

It has been proven that physical health plays a crucial role in developing healthy sleep patterns. For the treatment of sleep apnea, CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) should be combined with weight loss if you want to see positive results.

Diabetes and Sleep – How Can Patients With Diabetes Develop Proper Sleep Hygiene?

If you keep a regular tab on your sugar level and keep it in a controlled range, it can help you achieve a good sleep pattern. You should also practice proper sleep hygiene. Some practices include the following –

  • Follow a regular workout regime.
  • Avoid nicotine, caffeine or alcohol before bed.
  • Maintain a regular sleep schedule.
  • Keep your bedroom dark, quiet and cool.
  • Eat a healthy diet. Avoid heavy or large meals within two hours before bedtime.
  • Minimize screen time before bedtime.

Follow all the recommendations given by your health coach to best manage your diabetes. Only when your sugar levels are in a controlled range can you avoid complications related to diabetes.

(Dr. Mudit Sabharwal, Head of Medical Affairs, with input from Beato)


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