Wrist Stretches for Laptop Users | Well+Good

ANAre you taking care of your money generator? And by moneymaker, of course, we mean your wrists, hands, and forearm area.

Think about it: If you work on a laptop, these muscles, joints, and nerves are what allow you to type and scroll through everything your paycheck generates.

Unfortunately, all that crucial use of these body parts makes them a potential site for musculoskeletal problems, let’s say. rochelle mendoncaPhD, OTR/L, assistant professor of occupational therapy programs at Columbia University, and Colleen MaherOTD, OTR/L, Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy at Saint Joseph University.

It turns out that having the proper wrist posture It is important. Mendonca and Maher say problems can arise from inappropriate use, which includes staying in awkward positions (such as resting your wrists on a desk surface or on your laptop) for long periods of time and repeating the same motions over and over again without a rest.

“These types of postures and movements can cause stress or strain on muscles, tendons, and nerves,” Mendonca and Maher wrote in an email.

That can lead to carpal tunnel syndromewhich is when a nerve is compressed causing tingling, numbness and pain, and tendinitis, which is inflammation of the tendons that also causes pain. No thanks!

Fortunately, there are some easy ways to avoid that fate. Since placing your wrists on a surface when you type can cause strain on your tendons, consider investing in a more ergonomic configuration. A chair that supports your back, with your feet on the floor (or on a footrest), allowing your hips, knees, and elbows to bend at a 90-degree angle and your wrists to be straight is “optimal for proper arm and hand positioning,” Mendonca and Maher say.

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Breaks are also crucial.

“Not only breaks to rest the muscles, tendons and nerves, but also to move them into the opposite position from which they have been held for a long period of time,” Mendonca and Maher say. “Changing positions and taking breaks for even 30 seconds every hour can be extremely beneficial.”

But what should you be doing during those breaks so that some equal and opposite reactions counteract all that typing? Here are four laptop wrist stretches Mendonca and Maher suggest adding to your routine for wrist mobility.

  1. Reach behind your head with both hands. Place your palms on the back of your head so your elbows are bent and to the side, and then stretch your elbows back.
  2. Stretch your elbows hanging over the side of the chair, then bend and touch your fingertips to your shoulder.
  3. Rest your forearms on the arms of your chair, bend your wrist down, then raise it up, keeping your fingers relaxed. You can also make circles with your wrists.
  4. For your hands: Make a fist and then open. Next, touch each finger with your thumb.

Do these moves about 10 times each, twice a day. Your body will thank you!

Also try this 10-minute exercise for your wrists:

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