Yoga Poses to Get Rid of Stiff Muscles: How to Increase Flexibility With Easy Yoga Asanas

Yoga Poses To Get Rid Of Stiff Muscles – Yoga Asanas are scientifically designed physical postures for your fitness, strength, flexibility, stamina and health. Take a look at a few here that will help ease your body.

Yoga poses to get rid of stiff muscles How to increase flexibility with easy yoga asanas (Photo: Freepik)

Yoga Poses To Get Rid Of Stiff Muscles: Yoga is the ideal exercise as it is a holistic practice beneficial to all aspects of our being. Yoga has a powerful and positive impact on the mind, body, and spirit. Yoga asanas are physical postures scientifically designed for your fitness, strength, flexibility, stamina, and health. Pranayama breathing exercises clear the Nadis or channels within the body to improve lung capacity and increase the ability to absorb more oxygen.

Yoga contains meditation practices and mudras that help you rewire your brain, change behavior patterns, and train yourself for transformation. Improve your physical health by practicing yoga and boost your immunity. Practice the following poses to deepen your yoga practice and offset any lethargy or muscle stiffness you may be experiencing.

  1. Cat Pose: Urdvha Mukhi/Adhomukhi Marjariasana: Kneel down and place your palms and knees under your shoulders to perform this pose. Inhale and arch the spine. Exhale and roll your shoulders to face your navel. You can warm up your spine in this position.
  2. Downward Facing Dog – Adhomukhi Svanasana: Begin in Child’s Pose with your pelvis on your heels and your forehead on the floor. Press your feet into the ground to straighten your knees and pelvis up, forming a triangle with your body. Let the distance between the palms of the hands and the feet be comfortable.
  3. Upward Facing Dog -Urdvha Mukhi Svanasana: Gently lower your pelvis and stomach without touching the floor of the bar and assume a position on the bar. Lift your head, shoulders, and chest toward the sky. In this position, contract your back muscles by squeezing your hips together without bending your elbows.
  If you want to reduce belly fat, start this exercise today.

How to Do Padahasthasana: Step by Step Guide

  • Begins at Samasthithi
  • Exhale and bend your upper body down.
  • Stretch from the hips and bring the nose to the knees.
  • See if you can place your palms on either side of your feet.

Hasta Uttanasana – Raised Arms Pose

Stretch your arms above your head while standing. Take a breath and gently arch your head, neck, and upper back. Lean back with your upper body and keep your arms close to your ears.

How to do Matsyasana: Step by Step Guide

  • Lie on your back on the yoga mat, inhale, and then raise your head and shoulders with your hands or press your elbows and forearms firmly into the floor or ground.
  • Next, lift your upper body, and as you inhale, push your shoulder blades toward your back (upper torso). Keep your head up off the ground or off the ground.
  • Try to place the crown section of your head on the ground.
  • You can also spread your legs or bend your knees for more comfort.

Sukshma Vyayam, or subtle exercises, are a good place to start your practice. In yoga, the body is heated from the toes to the tip. You can start by warming up the ankle joints with ankle rotations before moving on to the knees, hips, arms, neck, and head. The benefits of warming up include increased productivity on the mat and reduced risk of injury.

— Input from Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, Founder: Akshar Yoga Institutions, Himalaya Yoga Ashrama, World Yoga Organization

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Release Date: Feb 10, 2023 2:07pm IST

Date Updated: Feb 10 2023 2:40pm IST

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