You are also doing Surya Namaskar to lose weight after delivery

Surya Namaskar After Delivery: Celebrities have always been an inspiration when it comes to weight loss and fitness for women. Recently, we saw Alia Bhatt doing Surya Namaskar for the first time after becoming a mother. Surya Namaskar is a 12 step full body workout in which one does several workout poses. This yoga set has religious significance in Hinduism as it is performed to pay respect to the Sun God. Surya Namaskar is considered one of the most essential of workout as the postures work on every muscle of the body and promote fitness.

How safe is it to do Surya Namaskar after delivery?

How safe is it to do Surya Namaskar 108 times in the postpartum period? It is important for every woman to know this. Considering the way it works on the body, is a new mother’s body ready to tolerate exercise? In a recent video, Ayurveda expert, Dr. Alka Vijayan, shared several health and fitness tips on her Instagram account. They have discussed how safe it is for women to do Surya Namaskar after delivery.

Know what doctors say

Surya Namaskar may not be right for you till 6 months after delivery. Because, it triggers Vata imbalance, due to which you may have to face many problems:-

Dry skin
hair fall
Uterine diseases (eg: fibroids, endometriosis)

108 Surya Namaskar should not be done immediately after delivery

According to the doctor, light to moderate exercise or yoga is recommended for weight loss after delivery. For example one can do surya namaskar (but not 108 times), zumba, aerobics and gymming for 2-3 hours followed by a woman trying to lose weight. Dr. Vijayan explains that a woman’s body is in a more Vata imbalance state after delivery, due to carrying the child for 9 months, painful delivery and taking care of the child after delivery.

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Yoga should be started after 3 months of delivery

Advises New Moms To Take Complete Rest Citing rules of Ayurveda, Dr. Vijayan says that new mothers should take complete rest for 1 month and after one month start slow walking, light yoga asanas Can do and return to regular practice only after at least 3 months, even then 4-10 cycles Suryanamaskaram is the maximum. 108 Surya Namaskar should not be done immediately after delivery.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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