You Can Help Your Child Cope With Childhood Stress In These 12 Ways – GoMedii | 12 Tips To Help Your Child Cope With Childhood Stress In Hindi

Childhood stress is emerging as one of the common health problems in children today. With a compulsive need for excellence, emphasis on competition and peer pressure in all aspects of life, children are affected by different levels of stress, anxiety and fear. Childhood stress can be caused by any situation that requires a child to adapt or change. Stress in children can be the result of a positive change like taking up a new activity, but it is most often associated with a negative change in the environment. A human being learns to cope with stress based on past experiences and since children have very few experiences to reflect on, even small changes can have a significant impact on children.


because of childhood stress


  • Important factors contributing to stress during childhood are pain, injury, academic pressure, and illness.


  • May cause more stress even after certain medical treatments


  • Causing damage at school, home, or in the neighborhood can cause stress and anxiety.


  • Parental stress such as divorce or financial crisis is a serious stress trigger for children.


  • The death or loss of a loved one can also cause stress in children.


These 12 Ways Parents Can Help


Parents can help their children manage stress and anxiety by recognizing the problem and In good health There are ways to help manage:

1. Give them a safe home


parents children Mental and emotional Health The first and most important thing to ensure (emotional health) is to provide them with a safe, secure, consistent, happy and trustworthy home.

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2. Monitor their access to television and the Internet


Be attentive to what your child TV Along with this, it has also been exposed on the internet. It includes entertainment, news, sports and other shows. Some TV shows and sports scare children. Worry And can cause stress. Keep them away from violence, excessive aggression and the use of harsh language.


3. Spend time with them


Make sure to spend quality time with your children. Encourage them to ask questions, create a comfortable environment for them where they feel free to discuss their concerns with you.


4. Be a good listener


The best way to make your child trust you more is to be a good listener. Don’t judge or criticize their thoughts or fears, but listen to them without interrupting. This will help them feel heard and able to express their feelings without being judged.


5. Increase their confidence


Build your child’s self-esteem. Use encouragement and affection. Try to involve your child in situations where he or she can succeed. Try to use positive reinforcement and rewards rather than punishment.


6. Don’t overload them with academic pressure


Every child is different and has different skills and talents. It is very unfair to the child to use the same criteria to judge every child. The need for excellence in studies and unrealistic pressure from peers and family take a toll on the mind and physical May be detrimental to well-being. Give your child the freedom to flourish and enjoy their educational program rather than pushing them to achieve a specific academic goal. a scorer and an intellectual in the house and balance Instead, create an environment that emphasizes learning, where you encourage and support them in their learning without judging or rejecting them.

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7. Let them choose for themselves


Give your child the opportunity to make choices about the little things in life and take control of their day-to-day life. This could include whether breakfast is included, what kind of sports they want to play, what hobbies they want to pursue, what activities seem stressful and that they don’t want to lose. Just make it your choice. This is especially important because research shows that the more people feel in control of a situation, the better they will respond to stress.


8. Choose a physical activity


Let them choose the sport or physical activity they like and engage with them in both active and passive ways. Being physically active makes their body happy hormones (Hormone) that will help them combat stress and stay fit and healthy.


9. Make them aware


Raising awareness of stressful situations and events for children include new experiences, fear of unexpected outcomes, unpleasant feelings, unmet needs or desires, and harm.


10. Get professional help


If you feel that despite your efforts, your child is still showing signs of unresolved stress, seek help from a child psychologist.


11. Keep the atmosphere in the house calm


Create an environment where your child can feel calm and relaxed. For this, keep away from excessive noise, loud music, excessive lights or too many people, etc. In such a situation, help provide a peaceful environment for your child while keeping in mind the child’s privacy.


12. Try talking to them


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To know the child’s inner thoughts, you need to talk to him and try to find out what is troubling him. Maybe doing this could help them.



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The post office You can help your child overcome childhood stress in these 12 ways. first appeared on Best Health Tips in Hindi, Health Blog – News | AllerMédias.

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