For me, it all started with obsessions to check.
First, I was turning the light switches on and off. Then she was moving the toilet seat up and down repeatedly. Once, twice, three times, and in the end I discovered that the fourth time was the sweet spot, the “perfect” spot. If the anxiety was still present, it meant four times as much.
My mother finally caught on and asked me why. Why was she doing these repetitive actions? “I don’t know, I just have to do it,” was all I could say.
A short time later, at an appointment with the pediatrician, the diagnosis was made: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). I wasn’t even 10 years old and my mental health journey was underway.
Over the years, OCD has had its ups and downs, at some points almost non-existent while at other times almost debilitating. As a person with mental illness for most of my life, I have seen and heard the thoughts and stigma surrounding mental health disorders.
For years swept under the rug, the stigma kept patients quiet, left to fend for themselves. People with mental illnesses were considered weak, unable to control their thoughts. People couldn’t understand what anxiety and depression did to a person lost in the depths of despair.
Through years of hard work, the stigma surrounding mental health has diminished significantly, and some forward-thinking companies have even gone so far as to offer mental health days. Despite the progress, the pandemic added a wrinkle that no one could have foreseen. People were forced to self-isolate, unable to go to in-person therapy sessions.
Even after two years, many therapists are only offering patients virtual visits. The same thing happened with the recovery meetings. Once seen as an in-person resource, meetings have moved to a fully virtual experience.
On a personal level, the pandemic brought me new challenges with my OCD. Along with the verification compulsions and security seeking issues came a series of intrusive thoughts. With the retirement of my therapist, I had to educate myself on intrusive thoughts while searching for a therapist who could provide me with the treatment I needed.
I turned to the only resource I knew of… Google. A search for “OCD intrusive thoughts” returned nearly 3 million results from a mix of trusted and not-so-trusted sources. Searches for “Grand Rapids OCD therapist” generated over 500,000 results.
As I sat there, hour after hour, reading the results, an idea occurred to me: There has to be a better way. With that thought in mind, West Michigan Mental Health was created.
Today, West Michigan Mental Health serves as a one-stop shop for all things mental health in West Michigan, focusing on Allegan, Barry, Ionia, Kent, Montcalm, Muskegon, and Ottawa counties. Though still in the infancy stages, It already has profiles of several local mental health organizations, a section dedicated to verified educational resources, and our first blog.
And while it’s fun to say our website is up, there’s still a lot to do. We will continue to grow our local organization databases and work to organize and display them in a way that is easy for users to navigate. Each county has its own individual page, so no matter where you live in West Michigan, we’ve got you covered.
By May 1st, we will be moving forward with the blog page and hope to post a new blog each week. Whether you are someone with mental illness who would like to share their story or a local therapist who wants to share their journey, we would love to hear from you.
The vision is to create the largest hyperlocal database of therapists, psychologists and psychiatrists in the entire area. A database that will be searchable and, when complete, will contain a variety of information including names, locations, areas of specialization, whether or not they are accepting new patients, and additional certifications or qualifications.
The idea is simple. Anyone who has suffered from mental illness understands how difficult it is to ask for help. It shouldn’t be difficult to find the information you need to get the help you need. West Michigan Mental Health is here for you. We are here to walk by your side to make the process as easy as possible.
Visit our Facebook page at West Michigan Health LLC for weekly informative posts and website updates. Remember, you don’t have to go through this alone.
— Austin Metz is a former Sentinel reporter and resident of Grand Rapids. You can locate it at [email protected].