You fill everything in the fridge, but do not keep these 10 items even by mistake

Disadvantages Of Refrigerator: As soon as the heat is high, there is a danger of spoilage of vegetables and other food items. Till there was no provision of fridge. People used to use cold water to save fruits and vegetables from the heat. But after the availability of fridge and increased availability of electricity, the situation has become better than before. Foods which are prone to spoilage in 4 to 6 hours in extreme heat. At the same time, due to the fridge, it does not get spoiled for many days. Now, if you are using fridge at home, then it is also important to know that what can be harmed by keeping it in the fridge.

1. Potato causes cancer risk
It is forbidden to keep potatoes in the fridge. The reason behind this is that the temperature of the fridge breaks down the potato starch. This increases the sweetness of potatoes. When potatoes kept in the fridge are cooked, acrylamide, a harmful chemical, comes out of it. There is a risk of getting cancer by eating it. That’s why potatoes should be kept in the open by protecting them from sunlight.

2. Do not keep sauces, jams, jellies
Vinega and preservatives are used in the sauce. These help protect the sauce from spoilage. Even if the sauce opens, don’t worry about spoilage. Jam and jelly should also not be kept in the fridge.

3. coffee freezes
Coffee should not be kept in the fridge at all. Due to this the coffee condenses and freezes. Airtight cans should be used to keep the coffee. Due to this, its taste and smell remains.

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4. Banana does not ripen
Banana should be eaten only when it is ripe. High temperature prevents ripening of bananas. That’s why keep them in normal temperature. Due to this banana gets cooked easily.

5. tomatoes can spoil
Avoid keeping tomatoes in the fridge as well. It is fine to keep it in the open. The fridge temperature can damage the outer layer of tomatoes.

6. Cucumber crust gets spoiled
Avoid keeping cucumber in the fridge. This spoils the upper skin of cucumber. Keeping cucumber in normal temperature keeps it safe for more days.

7. bread gets stale quickly
Avoid keeping bread in the fridge. Bread lasts longer when kept in the open in normal temperature. But there is a danger of it spoiling quickly in the fridge.

8. don’t even keep onions
Onion should also not be kept in the fridge. If the onion is chopped, then only it should be kept in the fridge.

9. honey starts to crystallize
Honey is a naturally preserved food. If you keep it in normal temperature, then its lifespan is longer. Never keep it in very hot or very cold temperature. This causes the honey to crystallize. Due to this its natural properties start to end.

10. Avoid keeping garlic too
Garlic cloves should be chopped or whole. They should not be kept in the fridge. Garlic becomes soft and starts sprouting. Its taste decreases and which is a beneficial quality of garlic. It starts to end.

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