5 Must-Do Muscle Moves for Strong, Shredded Six-Pack Abs

Whether you’re a professional or average bodybuilder, CrossFitter or weekend warrior, no great physique is complete without a strong set of abs. If he’s training well, he’ll get a fair amount of core work into his typical workout, but for a truly exemplary six-pack, he’ll need to put in more focused work.

Many men know nothing more than the old-school approach of 100-rep sets of crunches to achieve a lean, shredded look. But according to mh Advisory Board Member and Celebrity Trainer Don Saladin Y mh fitness manager Ebenezer Samuel, CSCS, more volume does not necessarily equal more success. You wouldn’t approach training other muscle groups by pumping triple-digit work sets, why should an ab workout be any different?

Saladin points out that nutrition is a key factor to achieve a lean six pack, but for the training component, the plan should be to implement challenging abdominal exercises that use a load within the typical hypertrophy rep range. If you need more guidance, these five quintessential basic moves from Saladin and Samuel will help you on your way to achieving that elite six-pack status in as little as eight to 15 reps per set.

“Don’t be afraid to load your abs because your abs need to be strong so you can squat better, so you can deadlift better, so you can perform all your other exercises better,” says Samuel. “None [these exercises] you’re going to do 100 reps. You’re going to charge, they’re going to be a challenge, and they’re going to push you to get the six-pack you visually want.”

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5 essential exercises for ripped abs

planks forcing it to maintain a constant tension throughout the movement (or no movement); this means not dropping your hips mid-exercise. For planks to work properly, you need to lift your hips and squeeze your glutes and lats while creating tension throughout your body.

By adding a dumbbell row to your plank, you increase the focus and intensity of keeping that core tight, thus adding an anti-rotational element to the movement.

To maintain core integrity, think of the movement as placing a glass of water on your back. If it spills, that means you’re losing that core tension. “With a plank, it’s very easy to slip out of those tension techniques and fall into that bad spot where you’re not really getting the most out of the exercise,” says Samuel. “That’s why when you add that row, you get that anti-rotation while using plank position… that’s why I love this exercise so much.”

This classic old-school ab attack is making a comeback, primarily due to its ability to allow you to load weight and push through a wide range of motion while working on spinal flexion.

“I’ve probably done sit-ups twice in my life — this is something he’s been training for, I’d say, 25 years,” says Saladino. “I have not removed it because I like to do something loaded. We need to treat the abs like we would any other muscle group: we’re going to need some resistance, and it turns out that this is one of my options.

Throughout this movement, focus on forcefully flexing your hands as you bring your elbows to your knees after each rep, while keeping your head relaxed.

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And don’t be afraid to go heavy with this exercise. “The great thing about this is that when you drive up you get a good stretch on your abs at the top and then you really contract all those ripped muscles as you come down,” says Samuel.

This is another classic staple move that is gaining traction in modern fitness circles. It’s one of the most effective moves you can do for your core, when done correctly. Too many people lose tension when performing ab wheel rollouts for a variety of reasons, from not fully mastering the movement to creating too much lower back tension. Other times, lack of shoulder mobility or strength affects proper positioning. One key to a perfect launch: don’t rush the move. Take each rep slow and controlled. For this, two or three perfect shots are much more beneficial than 10 or 12 lousy shots.

“We are working a lot in the center, aesthetically we are working on the abdominals, you will feel it,” says Saladino. “But if you don’t have ownership over this range of motion safely and in the right way, maybe go to something like a plank or some other type of variation.”

Think of hanging leg raises as a hollow vertical hold, says Samuel. Just by hanging yourself, you’re putting yourself in a heavy-duty position. Not only are you working your core, but you’re also building grip strength as well as shoulder and lat mobility as you fight the urge to swing from this position.

With leg lifts, you can also manipulate the level of difficulty through the position of your legs. Shortening the lever into a knee lift can make the job easier, or extending the lever into a straight leg raise can maximize the challenge. To increase your hang time, you can incorporate elbow pads to take the grip off of the job, although that’s not always recommended.

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“If someone asked me what is the abdominal exercise that I feel the most, this is it,” says Saladino. “I just get an amazing burn without doing a high level of rep.”

The farmer’s carry is more than just an aesthetic move; it’s a functional fitness building block that helps you in many other areas besides core strength.

Carrying allows you to work heavy as you move from point A to point B. In addition to core work, you’re building strength, improving posture along with cardiovascular and fat-burning benefits.

“When I was interviewed about all the superheroes I trained for Hollywood, I was always asked what that move was for abs,” says Saladino. “I would always go to this one.

Jeff Tomko is a freelance fitness writer who has written for Muscle and Fitness, Men’s Fitness, and Men’s Health.

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