6 Health Tips For People Working in Hybrid Work Environment Post Covid-19

Expecting the workplace to return to their daily office routine is tantamount to wishing life on the moon. Becoming adaptable in terms of workplace standards is currently the best option, and thus the work environment has become the new norm.Also read – 3 minor nutritional changes for major health benefits

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While we are all accustomed to the hybrid of the work environment, we cannot ignore the effect it has on us mentally and physically. Working online does not reduce stress; In fact, it exaggerates it in many ways. Also read – Research shows how large body fat is a risk factor for poor thinking ability

It is important to focus on our health while putting the best foot into our work.

Let us look at some tips to stay healthy while working in the office or at home.

  • Keep yourself hydrated– As much as we take this issue casually, we should keep drinking water and maintaining our fluid intake throughout the day so that all fatigue can be eliminated. The body becomes dehydrated even when you are sitting indoors, so you should make it a habit to carry a water bottle and drink water with you. You should also include other healthy liquids like coconut water, buttermilk, lemon water, infused and detox water in your daily routine. If you’re a forgetful person, you also have the option of setting up a drinking water alarm on your phone to remind you.
  • Eat nutritious food – We tend to eat breakfast while working but we should keep in mind that the importance of three main meals should not be overlooked and proper balanced breakfast, lunch and dinner should be taken while working from both home and office. Skipping meals can be extremely harmful to the body and cause serious gastric problems. પ્રોટીન, કાર્બોહાઇડ્રેટ્સ, ફાઇબર્સ અને અન્ય મહત્વપૂર્ણ પોષક તત્વોથી ભરપૂર ભોજન તમને દિવસ માટે ઉત્સાહિત રાખે છે અને તમને પેટનું ફૂલવું, ગેસ્ટ્રિક એટેક અને થાક જેવી સમસ્યાઓથી બચાવે છે.
  • Middle meal breakfast-પૌષ્ટિક ભોજન જેટલું મહત્વનું છે તેટલું જ જરૂરી છે કે તમારી ભૂખને સંતોષવા વચ્ચે નાસ્તો કરવો પણ જરૂરી છે. તમારે હંમેશા થોડા હેલ્ધી નાસ્તાના વિકલ્પો હાથમાં રાખવા જોઈએ જેમ કે શેકેલા મખાના, શેકેલા મગફળી, ફળો, મીઠા વગરના બટર, પ્રોટીન બાર અને અન્ય હેલ્ધી સ્નેક્સ જેથી તે તમને બિનઆરોગ્યપ્રદ ખાદ્યપદાર્થો ખાવાથી દૂર રાખે જેમાં ખાંડનું પ્રમાણ વધુ હોય છે. Less salt and nutrition. They are bloating, weight gain and may cause other health issues.
  • Breathing exercises– It’s no secret that breathing exercises can calm you down, relax your mind and increase your focus. Breathing exercises increase the flow of oxygen in your blood and boost your energy. Taking deep breaths can help you fight anxiety and reduce your stress levels. Practicing these exercises on a daily basis can keep your mind fresh and ready to lift all the workload with a positive mindset.
  • Stretching- When you sit at your work table with your laptop for a long time, you should take a break every 30 to 60 minutes where you stand and stretch your body. Stretching maintains body comfort and rejuvenates it to promote your strength and flexibility. Staying in one place is to sit back pain and knee joint pain. સ્ટ્રેચિંગ લોહીના પ્રવાહને જાળવવામાં મદદ કરે છે અને તમને ફિટ રાખે છે.
  • Wear computer glasses-You should monitor your screen time and wear computer glasses to avoid blue light affecting your eyesight. As working hours from home increase, you are forced to sit in front of the screen, and then even at your leisure, you use your mobile phone which takes up about 18 hours of your screen time in a day, causing red eyes, dimming of the eyes. . , And watery eyes. This can be dangerous in the long run so care should be taken to avoid any further troubles for eyesight and wear computer glasses.
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By keeping these important tips in mind and taking care of our own health, we should collectively aim to reduce mental and physical stress on our body and mind.

(Ayushi lakhapati, apanorisana co-founder and Chief Medical Officer and inputs from IANS)


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