8 Exercises to Help Lower Blood Pressure

if you have high blood pressure, your doctor may recommend that you exercise more. While medications can help control blood pressure, exercise is a great way to help lower blood pressure by strengthening your heart and maintaining a healthy weight.

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Clinical exercise physiologist Laura Gray, ACSM-CEP, MS, explains why exercise is good for those with high blood pressure, what activities to try, and how to stay motivated.

Is exercise good for high blood pressure?

Exercise, in general, can help control blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure, exercise can even help lower it. How? Regular exercise helps control your weight, keeps your heart healthy, and lowers stress.

Also, including exercise in your lifestyle, along with a healthy diet, can help lower your blood pressure and prevent more serious medical conditions.

“High blood pressure can lead to stroke, heart attack, heart failure, and even kidney problems,” says Gray.

So if you’re ready to lace up your sneakers, be sure to keep a few things in mind.

“You have to be aware of your breathing,” he advises. Be sure not to hold your breath while exercising or using a breathing method called Valsalva maneuver, which is where you hold your breath during weightlifting, for example.

“Focusing on breath control will help eliminate a significant rise in blood pressure,” says Gray.

Another thing to keep in mind is to incorporate a 5-10 minute warm up and cool down. For example, you can ride a bike, walk on the treadmill, walk a track, or take a walk around your neighborhood to warm up or cool down.

“By heating and cooling, you can also avoid a drastic change in blood pressure,” says Gray. “It allows your body to acclimate to exercise by allowing a gradual increase in heart rate and breathing at the start of the activity. And as soon as you stop exercising, if you don’t cool down, it can lower your blood pressure. Your heart continues to beat faster and your blood vessels are dilated, and this can lead to pooling of blood in your legs. Therefore, it is important to cool off to avoid hypotension.”

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How much exercise do you need to do?

It is recommended that you get 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise one week. But those 150 minutes can be broken down into more manageable chunks throughout the week.

“You can start your exercise in 10-minute increments if you’re just starting back into an exercise routine,” Gray recommends.

And consistency is the key. It may take one to three months before you notice any difference in your blood pressure.

You’ll also want to make sure you’re getting enough exercise. For moderate-intensity exercise, you want to aim for about 50% of your maximum heart rate. Another easy way to find out if you need to try a little harder is the speech test.

“If you’re on a treadmill or walking, you’ll only be able to speak a few words,” says Gray. “You definitely wouldn’t be able to sing or easily have a full conversation.”

The best exercises to lower blood pressure.

while you do cardio and strength training, helps strengthen your heart, which means your heart can pump more blood with less effort.

Here are some forms of exercise that are great for helping to lower your blood pressure:

  • Aerobics classes. Sign up for classes like aqua aerobics, Zumba, and a functional fitness class. When in doubt, ask your gym or recreation center what classes they offer that fit your needs.
  • Walk briskly. You will need to walk faster than you normally do to get your heart rate and breathing rate up.
  • Cycling. Riding a bike counts if you do it for at least 10 minutes and you are actively pedaling. A beginner cycling class could also be a great way to schedule a workout into your routine.
  • Dancing. Dance classes like Zumba are good exercise. Any dance counts if it incorporates full-body movement and gets your heart rate up.
  • Gardening or other yard work. This may include mowing the lawn and raking leaves. Try 30 to 45 minutes of yard work.
  • Trekking. If you’re new to hiking, stick to the beginner trails at first. Have a goal of moving onto more difficult paths.
  • Run or jog. The talk test can be used for jogging or running to make sure you’re starting off at a good pace. You can also alternate jogging and running with walking. Start with shorter distances and slower speeds and slowly work your way up to longer distances or faster speeds.
  • Swimming. Most people are familiar with freestyle, so it might be the easiest style for beginners. swimmers. If that stroke is too difficult, water jogging can be a good starting point for someone getting used to working out in the pool. It may also be helpful to wear equipment such as a pool float or aqua jogging belt to add extra buoyancy while running.
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“When you lose weight, you can actually lower your blood pressure by 5 to 7 millimeters of mercury, how is the arterial pressure measured”, Gray explains.

After exercising, you can also focus on some breathing methods that help lower blood pressure. Gray recommends the pursed-lip breathing method.

“You just inhale through your nose for 2 seconds and then exhale through your mouth, like you’re blowing a whistle, for 4 seconds,” says Gray. “Doing that can help reset the body.”

Are there any activities to avoid?

Yes, at least at first, Gray says.

As you begin your fitness journey, you need to take it slow and work towards a goal.

“For someone with high blood pressure, high intensity can be a little difficult,” says Gray. “It might be something you do eventually, but I wouldn’t start with that if you’re just starting to exercise.”

You should also be careful when it comes to running, climbing stairs, or lifting weights. Those forms of exercise involve intense movement in a short period of time, which can raise your blood pressure too quickly and put too much strain on your heart.

“Weight training can be a bit tricky because some people tend to hold their breath,” says Gray. “So as long as you’re breathing properly, weight training can be incorporated.”

Gray recommends talking to your doctor before beginning any form of exercise.

“With high blood pressure, a lot of people are on medication,” says Gray. “That drug can change the heart rate and blood pressure response to exercise.”

How to stay motivated

Starting an exercise routine can be scary. But Gray has some tips to help you stay motivated and on track toward your health goals.

  • Break it. As Gray mentions, don’t think you have to hit 150 minutes a week in one training session. “Exercise can be done throughout the day,” says Gray. “You can do 10 minutes here, 10 minutes there.”
  • Choose an activity that you like. Don’t you like to run? Then don’t. If you like swimming or dancing, do those activities instead.
  • But don’t be afraid to mix it up. Trying different activities not only makes it fun for you, it also helps prevent overuse or injury, and works different muscle groups.
  • Find a time that works best for you. If you’re a morning person, try to do your workout then. If you’re more of a night owl, hit the gym at night.
  • Manage your expectations. When you’re starting out, setting small goals like exercising three days a week will give more results than aiming to exercise five days a week. “If you go from zero to five days a week, it will burn you out and it will be harder,” says Gray.
  • Find a friend. Exercising with a family member or friend can provide additional motivation to show up and work hard. “You can also use it for social interaction,” says Gray.
  • Check your heart rate and blood pressure. With high blood pressure, you’ll want to be careful how quickly both your heart rate and blood pressure rise. Your blood pressure will rise during exercise and will usually drop after exercise. “Your doctor can help you understand those changes and what to watch for,” says Gray.
  • Stop if you have pain. Sure, there are different types of pain, but if it’s muscle pain, Gray suggests taking a break to let those muscles relax. But if you experience chest pain, stop and seek medical attention.
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Don’t forget to be consistent with your workouts, aiming for those 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise a week, making your exercise plan a regular part of your life, Gray says.

“In order to maintain a lifestyle and see those true lifestyle changes, you want to make sure you have that planned exercise instead of just physical activity,” she says.

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