8 Tips to Manage Arthritis Pain in Monsoon

Monsoon Arthritis Pain: Joint pressure can be affected by monsoon-related fluctuations in air pressure, which can worsen pain and stiffness.

Arthritis during the monsoon? 8 Tips to Relieve Chronic Pain and Inflammation of the Joints

Monsoon Arthritis Pain: Osteoarthritis, a type of arthritis, is characterized by the destruction of the protective cartilage in the joints. This causes stiffness, discomfort, and swelling in the affected joint. There are a few things that can make arthritis pain worse during the monsoon. During the monsoon season, humidity is a frequent component influencing arthritic pain. High humidity levels can cause physiological tissues, especially the soft tissues around joints, to store too much fluid.


  1. Balance diet: Joint pain can be effectively managed with a well-balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Include omega-3-rich foods like salmon, walnuts, and flaxseeds in your diet, as they contain anti-inflammatory properties that can help with joint discomfort.
  2. Healthy Body Weight: Maintaining a healthy weight is essential to reducing stress on the joints, especially during the monsoon season when pain can be more common.
  3. Keep hydrated: Maintaining adequate hydration is one of the easiest and most efficient strategies to reduce joint pain during the monsoon. Sufficient water intake keeps joints healthy and lubricated, reducing the likelihood of soreness and stiffness.
  4. Keep active: The muscles around the joints can be strengthened by low-impact exercises like swimming, bicycling, or walking, which can also increase flexibility and decrease pain.
  5. Good posture: To prevent joint pain, proper posture is essential. Maintaining good alignment while sitting, standing, or walking helps distribute weight evenly across your joints and reduces unnecessary stress.
  6. Invest in comfortable footwear: Spend money on shoes that offer the right amount of stability, arch support, and cushioning. High heels or completely flat shoes should not be worn, as they can put pressure on the joints and worsen the pain.
  7. Hot/cold compression: Using a cold compress can help relieve symptoms of swelling or inflammation, which may be causing the pain. Applying a warm compress can help relax muscles, improve blood flow and reduce pain if the discomfort is caused by stiffness or muscle tension.
  8. Get enough rest: To help your joints recover and repair, it’s crucial to give them plenty of time to rest. Build downtime into your daily schedule and make sure you get enough sleep at night.
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Published Date: July 15, 2023 8:34 AM IST




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