Diagnosed Psychopath Shares The 5 ‘Special Interests’ She Had As A Kid That Were Clues About Her Condition

Most diagnosed or undiagnosed psychopaths prefer to keep their condition to themselves. But one woman is using her social media platform to raise awareness about her antisocial personality disorder (ASPD).

The woman who passes @victhepath on TikTokfrequently posts educational content about ASPD, hoping to reduce the stigma surrounding psychopaths and help these people find a community so they can better understand themselves.

She recently shared the five “special interests” she had as a child that indicated her status.

1. The Holocaust

As most people know, The Holocaust marked a tragic period. when German Nazis murdered and persecuted millions of Jews during World War II. While many people are drawn to learning about the traumatic events and memorable people involved, such as Anne Frank and Oskar Schindler, it is implied that Vic may have been more fascinated by his themes of murder and massacre.

Vic shared how a little black book called “The Holocaust” instantly piqued his interest during a school book fair when he was in third grade. He said he ended up spending an hour at the book fair reading it while he hid under a table.

From then on, she became deeply intrigued by the topic and even chose to visit the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC instead of the Smithsonian Institution when she was on a field trip in eighth grade.

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2. Grimm’s Fairy Tales

Grimm’s Fairy Tales is a german folklore collection published in 1812, written by the brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. The tales are known for being original and dark variations of many of the fairy tales we know today. like “Rapunzel“, “Hansel and Gretel” and “Little Red Riding Hood”.

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Vic said he had a “huge” book with a lot of fairy tales, which he described as “extremely morbid”.

“They’re not as child-friendly as the fairy tales we learn now,” she explained. “But I was really obsessed with that book; “I read it all the time.”

He also loved its film adaptation, called “The Brothers Grimm,” about the two brothers and their journey to find a fairytale curse in a German town during the 19th century. The story involved a demonic witch sucking the youth out of young girls in the village.

3. The Romanov family

The Romanov family was the imperial royal family that ruled Russia from 1613 to 1917. Their dynasty ended quite tragically: Tsar Nicholas II’s entire family, including his young children, was executed by Bolshevik revolutionaries.

Vic said she was interested in his morbid but fascinating story from when they were children, which involved his vile execution by order of the Ural Regional Soviet.

Due to severe governmental and economic corruption during the rule of Tsar Nicholas II, Russians advocated for the tsar’s overthrow. Tsar Nicholas II abdicated his throne in 1917, ending more than 300 years of Romanov rule. Shortly after, radical socialist Bolsheviks seized power and sent the Romanov family to live under house arrest, but were later sentenced to death. Bolshevik troops executed the family by firing squad with the use of bayonets, a bladed weapon attached to the muzzle of a rifle.

What stood out about the family’s tragic fate was the mystery of Anastasia and Alexei Romanov, who many believed escaped their family’s execution. Vic became absorbed in her story when she was given an autobiography assignment in fourth grade and she decided to write about Anastasia, sparking her fascination with her story.

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4. Greek mythology

Many children and adults are captivated by the stories of Greek gods and heroes.

Vic said that when she was a child she had many books on Greek myths and could share everything she knew about each god and demigod, but that she was mainly interested in the labyrinth concept.

The most famous story of the Labyrinth is found within the story of Theseus, prince of Athens, which was designed as a complex labyrinth by Daedalus for King Minos of Knossos in Crete. The labyrinth was built to contain a wild, human-eating half-man, half-bull, the Minotaur. Every year, Minos sent seven young men and women to the Labyrinth to be devoured by the Minotaur.

5. The Aztec and Mayan empires

Vic expressed his continued passion for the Aztec and Mayan empires. In addition to their impressive architecture and agriculture, these empires were famous for their elaborate human sacrifice rituals.

The Aztecs were known. for cutting the hearts of his victims and spilling their blood on the altars of the temple as an offering to the gods. They were also known to engage in ritual cannibalism with the bodies they sacrificed, which they considered a way to communicate with the gods. The Mayans also sacrificed to his prisoners of war by removing their hearts and smearing the image of a god with their blood. Although these rituals seem dark and morbid, for the Aztec and Mayan cultures they had spiritual meaning.

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“It shouldn’t surprise you that I was really intrigued by the whole human sacrifice thing,” Vic admitted.

He added that he had the opportunity to visit Chichen Itza in Mexico, a sacred city of pyramids and temples built by the Mayans, where the Mayans performed many of their sacrifices, an experience that Vic described as “surreal.”

While these interests are particularly dark and disturbing for a child to enjoy, many can agree that they are fascinating topics.

Turns out, based on various comments from people connected to Vic’s dark interests, psychopaths may not be so unrelatable after all.

“I didn’t say that being interested in these things means you’re a psychopath, I said I’m a psychopath and these are things I find interesting,” he clarified in the comments.

Furthermore, despite his lack of remorse and empathy and increased risk of potentially violent behavior, Not all psychopaths are violent. or participate in criminal acts.

However, keep in mind what topics your children like, as they could indicate something surprising. truth about their personalities.

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Francesca Duarte is a writer on YourTango’s news and entertainment team based in Orlando, FL. She covers lifestyle, human interest, adventure and spirituality topics.

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