How often should you change pillow covers? Negligence can greatly worsen your health.

Pillowcase change time : It is necessary to have a pillow for comfortable sleep on the bed. Some people sleep with multiple pillows. There is nothing wrong with sleeping with a pillow as long as its cover is not changed for several days. Indeed, if the pillowcase is not changed at the right time, bacteria and diseases can take hold there. This can cause many skin problems, which is why the pillowcase should be changed after a while.

The pillowcase is the home of diseases
According to health experts, pillow covers should be changed at least once a week. If this is not done, the skin risks suffering a lot of damage. Skin-related illnesses can spread. Often, even getting it treated doesn’t help. The medication may be ineffective.

What will happen if you don’t change the pillowcase every week?
Health experts recommend changing the pillowcase every week. In fact, every day, in addition to dust and particles, oil, dead skin, harmful bacteria, many types of dirt and if there are pets in the house, their hair gets stuck in the pillowcase pillow. It is for this reason that pimples and spots begin to appear on the face. This is why pillowcases should be changed from time to time. Otherwise, the facial skin may be completely destroyed. Additionally, the pillow should be cleaned or dry cleaned or replaced once every six months.

If you don’t change your pillowcase every week, it can cause allergies. Sometimes this can cause an infection. Every day people come to bed after coming from different places, in such a situation it can also be unsanitary. Apart from that, if you don’t change your sheet and pillowcase from time to time, it reduces comfort. Instead of feeling comfortable, we start to feel uncomfortable. Changing pillow covers also increases the life of your pillow. Apart from this, changing the sheet and pillowcase from time to time brings positivity and increases the beauty of the room.

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How to get a pillowcase
According to health experts, if the pillowcase is made of silk, there are fewer bacteria. As a result, pimples do not appear on the face. The study found that silk pillow covers are better for skin health than cotton ones. This reduces the risk of problems.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in news stories is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.

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