Weight Loss Diet: Try These 5 Low-Carb Seasonal Fruits and Veggies to Drop Kilos in Monsoon

It is essential to include seasonal foods in your weight loss regime. Here are some foods that can be included in your meals during the rainy season.

Weight loss diet: try these 5 low-carb seasonal fruits and vegetables to lose kilos during the monsoon (Freepik)

When it rains heavily during the monsoon, it can be tempting to turn to heavy, comforting foods that can ultimately derail your weight loss journey. However, the rainy season also brings with it a wealth of fresh, nutrient-rich produce that can help you achieve your health and fitness goals. Apart from exercising and following a healthy lifestyle, seasonal foods can give you a boost in achieving your weight loss goals.

5 seasonal foods to lose weight during the rainy season

  1. Drumsticks: Also known as moringa, drumsticks are the pods of the moringa oleifera tree and are a vegetable found in many South Asian cuisines. These unique, long, green pods are low in calories but packed with essential nutrients like protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Drumsticks are particularly rich in antioxidant vitamin C, which can help boost immunity during the monsoon season. Additionally, some research suggests that moringa’s phytochemicals may have anti-obesity effects by influencing fat metabolism. Try incorporating drumsticks into curries, stir-fries, or even blending them into smoothies for a nutrient-rich, weight-loss-supporting supplement.
  2. Bottle Gourds: Pumpkins, also known as “lauki,” are a versatile vegetable consumed during the monsoon that can be a valuable asset to any weight loss plan. These elongated, light green pumpkins are exceptionally low in calories yet high in fiber, which helps promote satiety and regular bowel movements. Pumpkins also contain compounds like cucurbitacins that may have fat-burning properties.
  3. Jackfruit: Although it is often thought of as a fruit, jackfruit is actually a large fruit from a tropical tree that grows during the rainy season. Unripe, green jackfruit is especially beneficial for weight loss, as it is low in calories and high in fiber and complex carbohydrates. These properties can help stabilize blood sugar levels and keep you feeling fuller for longer. Additionally, jackfruit contains a unique type of soluble fiber called pectin, which has been shown to support healthy digestion and metabolism.
  4. Bitter Gourd: Also called “karela,” bitter gourd is a controversial but extraordinarily nutrient-dense vegetable that shines during the monsoon. While it may take some getting used to its bitter taste, bitter gourds are worth incorporating into your diet due to their impressive array of weight-loss-friendly qualities. They are low in calories, high in fiber, and contain compounds like charantin and vicine that can help regulate blood sugar levels and boost fat burning.
  5. Zucchini: This versatile green squash is a true rainy season superfood for weight loss. Zucchini is exceptionally low in carbs, at just 3.1g per cup, while still boasting a hearty dose of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Its high water content and crunchy texture also make it incredibly filling.
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By adding these superfoods to your daily meal plate for the rainy season menu, you can effortlessly incorporate more fiber, vitamins, and metabolism-boosting nutrients into your weight loss regimen. Pair them with lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats for a nutritious and balanced approach to weight loss throughout the season.

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