How to Ease Back Into Running This Spring Without Getting Injured

woman running among cherry blossoms

Photo: Kzenon (Shutterstock)

When the spring sun and warmer temperatures begin to tempt us, the paths and trails beckon us. Then struggling mentally and physically to train through the winter, conditions are now more conducive to longer rides and harder workouts. But if you rush to train as well quickly, you may be derailed due to injury. And there is nothing more frustrating than losing training time on photography.perfect weather.

When runners begin to recover from time off, they are more susceptible to injury than if they maintained a more constant running volume. While short breaks are a must for both mental and physical recovery, long stretches of time off and wild fluctuations in running mileage can cause more prone to injury.

So what can you do if spring is right around the corner and you’re itching to resume more serious training? If you’ve taken time off or significantly reduced your mileage during the winter months, the most important behavior to practice in your training is patience. Rebuilding slowly and consistently gives you the best chance of staying healthy and improving your fitness without significant setbacks.

Let’s look at some ways you can prepare now before spring officially arrives and how you can stay healthy as your training heats up.

How to prepare to run in spring

It may sound simplistic, but when you go back to training, it is important to remember this bit of wisdom :Sstart where you are. You may have run a marathon three months ago, but if your training has expired since then, you won’t be able to handle the same volume of work as when you were in your best physical condition.

If you’ve been running consistently for years, your fitness can bounce back faster than a new runner. Regardless, take an honest look at what he’s done in the last two months and start there.

  1. Rebuild the foundations: Start with a mileage that is easy and comfortable for you. Try to pay attention to effort rather than pace. This is a good time to leave your GPS device at home.Establish a consistent running routine instead of worrying about running faster or farther. At this point, consistency in training matters much more than volume.
  2. Strength training to improve resilience: Since your starting mileage will be less than your peak workout mileage, use the extra time to start lifting weights. If you lift weights in a gym, twice a week will do. If you’re doing shorter bodyweight workouts for strength and mobility, you can do them any day you run.
  3. Build your mileage gradually: While the adage is to only increase your weekly mileage by 10%, this can be too conservative or even too aggressive depending on where you start. If you have done very little running over the winter, you should keep your mileage steady for about two weeks before increasing. When you build up your miles, gradually add them to both your shorter and longer weekly rides as you work toward your normal weekly mileage.
  4. Add variety to your training: Once you’ve started to reestablish a foundation of easy running, it’s time to add some variety to your routine. While that can be done with pace (more on that below), you can also vary the routes you run, the type of terrain, and flat or hilly courses.
  5. Enter some faster run: It is important to add variety to the pace of your runs. Make sure your easy walkthroughs are really easy and conversational. Short, unstructured lunges and fartleks can be a great reintroduction to running at a faster pace. Fartleks can become more structured over time to help you transition to more advanced workouts.

How to prevent injuries when running again

Whether you have taken the time to maintain or re-establish a healthy and consistent operating foundation, andyou’ve had a great start. But the inviting spring weather can still tempt many of us to push ourselves harder and faster than our bodies are built to handle.

Spring is a time when local races start popping up almost every weekend and group races with friends become more frequent. While it’s always important to have fun with your run and seek out new adventures, you’ll still want to avoid being too enthusiastic about your training.

To maintain good habits as you build your fitness, be sure to follow a few basic training principles:

“Sandwich” your runs

As mentioned above, strength training is an important part of staying healthy as a runner. Ideally, you should “sandwich” each of your runs with a short dynamic heating before running and finish with a focused strength or mobility routine afterwards. A five- for The 10-minute warm-up can prepare your body to run more efficiently from the moment you walk out the door. Once you’re back home, a 15-minute workout that focuses on core or hip strength or builds you up as your runs get more intense.

Don’t drastically increase the stress of training.

As your training progresses, it’s important not to change too many variables at once. While variety of pace and terrain for each of your runs is beneficial, changing variables like mileage, training density, or intensity too fast can lead to injury. Generally, mileage can increase faster than the “10% rule” until you reach your typical mileage sweet spot. But beyond this, build your mileage carefully. You may need several weeks of consistent volume before increasing it beyond your comfort zone.

Similarly, don’t increase your hard efforts too quickly, both in terms of frequency (number of times per week) and how much time you spend running at faster paces (minutes or miles). Starting with short fartlek workouts and modified tempo intervals can allow you to gradually increase your harder running volume so that your body has time to adjust.

Set goals to help with consistency

Even with perfect weather, we all have moments when motivation is lacking. Developing the discipline to get out the door can take time, but it eventually becomes a habit with practice. But set both short and longLong-term goals can give you a focal point, especially when it’s early in the season and running doesn’t feel as easy or fun as it does once your fitness has improved.

With a little patience and planning, your late winter and spring training can set you up for a successful training and racing season.


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