Can Root Canal Treatment Cause Heart Attack, Do You Know The Truth?

Root Canal Treatment and Heart Attack: It seems really strange when someone says that a heart attack can occur after dental surgery. Is it really worth thinking about the connection between teeth and the heart? If you are also unsure whether this is true or just a matter of a minute, let us tell you how much truth there is in this news.

Many people undergo root canal treatment (RCT) as part of regular dental surgery to prevent teeth from becoming damaged or infected. Although considered safe, root canal treatment has raised concerns about its possible link to heart attacks.

What is a root canal?

Root canal is a dental procedure used to remove diseased tissue from the core of the tooth. To prevent further damage, dentists fill the gap and remove bacteria and cavities. Any tooth that needs to be extracted can be saved with this technique. Although root canal treatment is a common procedure, the chances of any problems are very low. Because it is done under local anesthesia.

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What does it have to do with heart attack?

It is said that root canal treatment can be associated with heart attack or other heart problems. This is especially true for people who have no history of heart disease. In fact, this fear comes from the fact that during the root canal procedure, local bacteria can enter the bloodstream, which can cause swelling or infection in other parts of the body, including the heart.

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According to the Endodontic Therapy and Incident Cardiovascular Disease: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study, there is no strong evidence that root canal treatments directly cause heart attacks.

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What is the link between oral health and heart disease?

While root canals do not directly cause heart attacks, there is a strong link between heart disease and dental health. Poor dental hygiene can lead to conditions like gum disease, which increases the risk of cardiovascular problems by allowing bacteria to enter the bloodstream. Heart disease is more common in people with gum disease, but this risk is not directly related to root canal treatment, but rather to overall dental health.

Should you be afraid of root canal treatment?

If you maintain good oral hygiene and have no problems with your hands, there is no reason to worry about root canal treatment. It is a normal treatment, so it helps maintain dental health without posing a major risk to your heart. Patients who already have heart disease may need to take extra precautions.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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