How fast do cancer cells grow? This is the whole process

Cancer cell growth rate : Cells work as the defense army of our body, which cleans out all enemies and keeps the body healthy and alive. In fact, we all have around 30 lakh crore cells in our body, which grow in a controlled manner according to a pattern and after some time they die on their own. The destroyed cells are replaced by new, healthy cells.

Healthy cells continue to eat old, dead cells, thereby cleansing the body. If a cell changes its structure or tries to damage the body, healthy cells eat it and destroy it. But this cellular pattern is then disrupted. In such a situation, let’s know how quickly cancer cells grow, what is the process of their growth…

Why do cells grow in cancer?

When cancer appears in the body, the controlling effect of cells begins to cease, and within a short time, cells begin to grow and divide exponentially in an uncontrolled manner. Their uncontrolled growth becomes a tumor. Despite continued research, no highly effective and affordable treatment for cancer is yet available. Chemotherapy is the most effective to date because it helps stop abnormal cell growth.

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How fast do cancer cells grow?

The speed at which cancer cells grow depends on the grade of the cancer. In aggressive, high-grade cancers, cells spread quickly, while in low-grade cancers it takes 3 to 6 months. Actually,

Cancer grade is determined based on 3 conditions. Cancerous and healthy cells are compared. There are many types of tissues in the healthy cell group, whereas in cancer, a group of similar but abnormal cells are seen in the test, this is called low-grade cancer. When cancer cells become visible separately from healthy cells during examination, it is called a high-grade tumor. Depending on the grade of the cancer, we can determine how quickly it can spread.

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How is cancer grade determined, how is it different from cancer stage?

The stages and grades of cancer are different. The stage of the cancer indicates how far the disease has spread in the body, while the grade indicates how far the tumor has the ability to spread in the body. Whether the patient is at any stage or grade of cancer is decided for three reasons. 1- How different the cancer cells are from the healthy cells present in the body, the more different they are, the higher the grade will increase. 2- Division: How quickly cancer cells break and grow in the body, the more there are, the more serious the cancer. 3- Tumor cells: The number of tumor cells that gradually die.

Cancer cell growth rate based on grade

In stage 1, cancer cells look like normal cells and grow very slowly.

At grade 2, cancer cells do not look like normal cells and grow more quickly than at grade 1.

At grade 3, cancer cells are very abnormal and grow very quickly. During this time, the cancer has spread to large parts of the body.

Disclaimer: Some information in news stories is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.

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