Aren’t cancer cells done in your stomach? These symptoms can identify

Aren’t cancer cells done in your stomach? These symptoms can identify

Stomach cancer which is also called gastric cancer. Uncontrolled when cells start to grow, stomach cancer begins. The layer at the top of the stomach ribs and contains cancer in the stomach layer just below. According to health experts, stomach cancer can occur in any part of the stomach. In most regions of the world, … Read more

Each year, around 2.80 Lakh women are in the grip of breast cancer, urban women are more threatened, their special reason is

Each year, around 2.80 Lakh women are in the grip of breast cancer, urban women are more threatened, their special reason is

Cancer is a fatal disease and World Cancer Day is celebrated on February 4 as an awareness day each year. However, when we talk about breast cancer, about 28 women on a Lakh women are in the grip of this disease. However, there is a difference in light data between urban and rural women."Text-Aligne: justify;"> … Read more

For this reason, cases of cancer increase quickly in young people, know how to protect

For this reason, cases of cancer increase quickly in young people, know how to protect

Modern lifestyle and technology have captured our lives. We use phones, laptops while eating sleep and sleep. If it is different for a while, life seems incomplete. But do you know that our daily life is very affected. For this reason, many health problems begin. Many research also indicates that the risk of cancer in … Read more

These are the most common cancer in the world, such as the initial symptoms resembles

These are the most common cancer in the world, such as the initial symptoms resembles

Today is the “World Cancer Day”. The day started on February 4, 2000 in Paris. When the “Paris charter against cancer” was signed during the “World Summit against Cancer for the New Millennium”. Its objective was to promote cooperation worldwide against cancer. Cancer in India is a major health problem and the number of cancer … Read more

Parents are so likely to get cancer in children, is it also a genetic disease?

Parents are so likely to get cancer in children, is it also a genetic disease?

BRCA1 and BRCA2 jeans that cause breast cancer can reach several generations of a family. Family members often share behavioral models such as smoking, they also have a common risk of pollutants and other environmental factors. These are some other reasons why sometimes the risk of cancer in the family increases. It is true that … Read more

These are the five most common cancer in the world, such resemble the initial symptoms

These are the five most common cancer in the world, such resemble the initial symptoms

Today is the “World Cancer Day”. The day started on February 4, 2000 in Paris. When the “Paris charter against cancer” was signed during the “World Summit against Cancer for the New Millennium”. Its objective was to promote cooperation worldwide against cancer. Cancer in India is a major health problem and the number of cancer … Read more

World Cancer Day: Lacemia cancer is a serious disease but treatment is possible, do not ignore these symptoms at all

World Cancer Day: Lacemia cancer is a serious disease but treatment is possible, do not ignore these symptoms at all

Leukemia is a type of blood cancer, in which there is an uncontrolled increase in abnormal blood cells in the bone marrow. These cells are generally immature white blood cells, which affects the ability to combat infection. The types and methods of treatment of leukemia vary depending on its intensity and affected cells. Give more … Read more

If you feel constantly less, you can have cancer symptoms, know how to identify

If you feel constantly less, you can have cancer symptoms, know how to identify

Continuous loss of appetite is a symptom of cancer, we do not confirm this, but a continuous loss of appetite, full of stomach without eating can be the first symptoms of cancer. Such symptoms also appear in people with cancer treatment. The first symptoms of cancer can be nausea, fatigue, they can all remove hunger. … Read more