Learn how to treat vulvar cancer – GoMedii

Vulvar cancer is a rare cancer in women that develops in the vulva. The vulva is the outer part of a woman’s genital area and cancer cells begin to grow abnormally there. Although this cancer is not very common, it is curable with early detection and proper treatment. In this blog we will learn that vulvar cancer treatment How is this possible and what are the different treatment options?



How are the symptoms of vulvar cancer visible?



If any of these symptoms persist for a long time, it is very important to see a doctor. Early symptoms of vulvar cancer may not be very obvious, but some common symptoms are:



  • itching or burning of the vulva


  • skin a bump or lump


  • pain or discomfort in the genital area


  • Urine irritation during


  • discoloration or thickening of the skin of the vulva




How is vulvar cancer diagnosed?



Prompt diagnosis of vulvar cancer proves helpful in its treatment. Generally, it is diagnosed in the following ways:


  • Physical examination: The doctor examines the genital area for any abnormal changes.


  • Biopsy: In this procedure, a sample of a small part of the vulva is taken for examination, which identifies cancer cells.


  • Imaging tests: Tests like ultrasound, CT scan, or MRI are used to determine how much the cancer has spread.



How to treat vulvar cancer?


There are several options available for treating vulvar cancer. It depends on the stage of the cancer, the age of the patient and Health What is the status of? Vulvar cancer is usually treated in the following ways:

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Surgery: Surgery is the most common method of treating vulvar cancer. In this, an attempt is made to eliminate the cancer affected area. If the cancer is in its early stages, it can be cured with minor surgery. In some cases, it may be necessary to remove a large part of the vulva, this is called a vulvectomy.


radiotherapy: This is a process in which high energy rays are used to destroy cancer. cells is destroyed. Radiation therapy may be used before or after surgery to prevent cancer cells from spreading.


Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy Medicines are used to kill cancer cells. It can be used alone or in combination with other treatments. These are usually patients whose cancer has spread or cannot be removed by surgery.


Immunotherapy: Immunotherapy helps fight cancer by strengthening the body’s immune system. Although it is less commonly used in vulvar cancer, it may be a treatment option in some cases.



What should be the care after treatment for vulvar cancer?



After treatment for vulvar cancer, it is very important to have regular examinations by a doctor. To make sure the cancer has not returned or another type of cancer has not developed. In addition, adopt a good lifestyle, such as Healthy diet, regular Exercise And avoiding smoking reduces the risk of cancer recurrence.



Prevention methods-


It is not possible to completely prevent vulvar cancer, but your risk can be reduced by taking a few steps:



  • Ensure cleanliness of the genital area
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  • HPV Get vaccinated because human papillomavirus (HPV) may be a major cause of vulvar cancer


  • Have regular Pap tests and exams of the genital area



Good Hospitals for Vulvar Cancer Treatment




Vulvar cancer can be a serious illness, but it is curable with prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Treatments such as surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are effective treatment methods. If you or someone you know notices symptoms of vulvar cancer, contact a doctor immediately and get tested as soon as possible.



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