If you have heart problems and have gained weight, control it like this, otherwise bad cholesterol can cost you your life.

Obesity increases the risk of heart problems such as heart attacks, strokes and heart failure. In such a situation, experts recommend reducing weight and improving diet to control heart diseases. Increased weight is fatal for heart patients. An irregular lifestyle and poor eating habits are responsible for weight gain. Due to poor diet, bad cholesterol begins to increase in the body.

Due to which the risk of heart diseases increases. In such a situation, improve your diet and lifestyle to control bad cholesterol. By including fiber, vitamins, antioxidants and essential minerals in your diet, you can control obesity and protect yourself against heart attacks and cardiac arrest. Let us know how heart patients can control their weight.

How to lose weight with heart disease:

Include it in your diet. whole grains:In addition to losing weight, eating whole grains also helps reduce the risk of heart disease. You can include whole grains like ragi, barley and millet in your diet.

Eat green vegetables: To lose weight, heart patients should include plenty of green vegetables in their diet. be included in the quantity. This will help maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of heart disease.

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Eat dried fruits: For acidic omega-3 fats Eat dried fruits. Their consumption provides essential fatty acids and fiber, including vitamin E, which are beneficial for heart health.

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Avoid junk food: To maintain your heart health, you should stop eating outside foods. give. In particular, heart patients should not consume packaged foods at all.

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Exercise daily:< /strong> Diet After that, the second most important thing to control your weight is to include exercise in your lifestyle. Exercising daily helps control bad cholesterol, which helps reduce the risk of heart disease.

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