Eating too much sugar not only increases diabetes, but can also increase the risk of depression.

Sugar and depression: It is generally said that if you want to stay healthy, you need to eat less sugar. Health experts say eating too much sugar increases the risk of diabetes. A recent study reveals that there is a deep link between excessive sugar consumption and depression. Let us know.

Too much sugar increases depression – study
A study by a research team from the University of Surrey indicates that people who eat more sweets are more likely to suffer from serious illnesses, such as increased levels of depression. Consuming too much sugar increases the risk of depression. In such a situation, it becomes necessary to consume less sweets. In this study published in Translational Medicine, it was said that people who eat more sweets are prone to risks like diabetes, depression, stroke, etc.

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During the study, people were divided into three groups. Omnivores (eating both vegetables and meat), health conscious people who eat more vegetables and fruits. The third group included those who ate more sweets. In the study, all three groups were given the food of their preference. In such a situation, people with a sweet tooth, that is, people who liked sweets more, were considered more vulnerable to depression. People in the sweet tooth group were part of the group that consumed more sweets and sugary drinks.

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  डायबिटीज के मरीजों को रोजाना खाना चाहिए यह एक लड्डू , शुगर रहेगा कंट्रोल

Excessive consumption of sweets weakens the metabolism.
The researcher claims that the group that consumed more sweets than the rest of the group had a worse metabolic rate. Along with this, people in this group suffered from increased blood sugar levels, increased body swelling, digestive problems as well as mental problems.

Apart from metabolic problems, mental health problems have also been observed in these people. After the study, it was found that the risk of depression in people who consumed more sweets was 31% higher than the rest of the group. In such a situation, the study suggested that consuming vegetables and fruits rather than eating too many sweets improves metabolic rate as well as mental health.

Disclaimer: Some information given in news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.

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