Health Tips: Do not do these things even after walking by mistake, you may have to bear the loss

Health Tips: Walk, exercise, yoga and running are some of the things that everyone is doing in their lifestyle nowadays. Why not do it, after all, everyone has to be feet. But do you know that some of your ignorance is not harming your healthy life.

Whenever you come after walking, after a short time, you make some such mistakes, which may cost your body. Yes, you get to see its effect not at that time but after some time. Let us know some such mistakes that you do not have to repeat.

do not eat or drink immediately
People have a habit of drinking water immediately after a walk or exercise. But this habit of yours can harm you. That is why it is important that you eat or drink something only after 20-30 minutes of exercise.

don’t sleep on arrival
Your heart rate increases after a walk or exercise. Therefore, do not sleep on the bed immediately after coming. Rather spend some time sitting on the sofa or chair. Do something only after that.

change sweaty clothes immediately
After running, the whole body is filled with sweat. Change these clothes immediately after arrival. Otherwise, staying in wet clothes for a long time can also cause problems of allergies and cough in the body.

don’t shower right away
Never make the mistake of taking a bath immediately after running. This may harm you. So it would be better to let the sweat dry for some time. After which you take a bath and then do not make the mistake of sitting in AC or cooler.

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Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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