The rise and rise of the senior fitizen

But as the body becomes more squeaky and lazy, what exactly is considered a safe practice? Should we really aspire to run marathons or build pecs in our old age?

Gray insists that we should. “It’s good to challenge yourself at any age. After the pandemic, many older people lost confidence in connecting with other people and exercising. The closure of local leisure facilities and isolation meant their routines were hijacked and good habits dwindled. Also, there may be a default tendency to say, ‘I’m not fit enough or too old to do that.’ One in four people in England live with a long-term health condition and are often twice as likely to be inactive, but research shows exercise can reduce symptoms and relieve pain.”

But fear is part of the picture for some people. Sarah Lambert, a physical therapist who specializes in caring for the elderly, says: “They think they’re going to get hurt right away, and often the anxiety about falling comes up. The secret is to build slowly and listen to your body. Injuries happen when people go from nothing to full skin.”

Runner Tim Bale, 71, was forced to rethink his exercise routine as he got older. “I started running in the 1980s,” he says, “but at 60, my knee joints forced me to give it up. I didn’t want to stop moving so I started doing tai chi, yoga and aqua classes. There is a certain perception that these classes are for women, but I have found that the water gives me an aerobic workout and that yoga and tai chi are great for my strength and balance. Also, my joints no longer bother me.”

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It’s crucial to listen to your body at any time, but especially as we age. Anthony Crockett, 82, from Essex, started having back problems in his 30s. Much of this was due to sitting at a desk for hours on end. “I saw a physio and they gave me a series of Pilates exercises,” he says. “I have done these exercises every day since then and never had a problem with my back. It’s about having a good routine. The more involved you are, the better you feel.”

Dawn Skelton is Professor of Aging and Health at Glasgow Caledonian University. In 2018, she collaborated with the UK’s four nation chief medical officers to update government guidelines for physical activity and health. The guidelines were for children, adults, and older adults. As we age, the weekly recommendation is to rack up at least 150 minutes doing something that makes you feel a little hotter and out of breath. That can be broken down into 10 minutes three times a day, or a full 30 minutes a day. Skelton goes on to add: “A little is often a good start, and anything is better than nothing, but the more you can do, the better. The guidelines have clear objectives. We want people to spend less time sitting or lying down, as there is plenty of evidence to show that sitting for prolonged periods causes loss of muscle function and potentially much worse. The more hours you spend sitting, the more exercise you should do to compensate for your sedentary lifestyle.

“It’s also extremely important to do something that improves your strength at least twice a week. That means targeted action on specific muscles, like power Nordic walking, vigorous gardening, cycling, pilates, yoga, tai chi, tennis, or using weights. Or you could do something as basic as going up and down the stairs repeatedly, or repetitive sitting and standing motions at home while watching TV. Muscle strength is so crucial as we age. It helps us to lift things, to maneuver, to have better balance, plus the muscles provide us with padding, useful if you fall, and the size of the muscles correlates with a strong immune system to help us fight infections.” .

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Dawn sticks her head out and says, “Physical activity is the equivalent of a miracle pill.” She also believes that there is no medical condition that does not benefit from some type of activity. “If you have osteoporosis, exercise increases bone mass, while research shows that people with angina or arthritis can reduce their medications as their fitness improves. The positive effect on our mental well-being is also huge. When we exercise, endorphins are released in the body. These are natural pain relievers and cause feelings of happiness, reduce anxiety and help depression.”

Movement is our friend. It supports our flexibility, our beating heart, our straight back. It is our lifeline. Granted, it may not be easy to incorporate a regular exercise regimen, especially at first. But if we don’t want our ancient existence to turn into a saga of not being able to tie our shoelaces, then perhaps the sensible solution is to simply give it a try. We’ll meet you, barely out of breath, at the finish line.

“The water feels safe because there is no worry about falling in”

Kari Furre, 72, is an artist and lives in Totnes, Devon. She has been a passionate swimmer most of her life.


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