Sitting continuously causes back pain, do this exercise to get rid of it

Back Pain Exercises: If you are also troubled by back pain then this news is for you. Back pain has become the story of every household since Kovid. Which has become difficult to get rid of. Sitting in front of the laptop for hours has had the biggest impact on our body posture. Due to which the problem of pain and stiffness has made its place in different parts of the body. Even after wishing, we are not able to get rid of this problem by taking some time. That’s why it is important that by managing household chores and office work, you also take time for yourself and get rid of back pain.

Let us know how you can get rid of it. By adopting some special exercises, you can overcome the complaint of back pain. If you do these exercises, then it can relax the spine and remove your back pain. On the other hand, if someone has an injury in the back or spine, then he must consult his doctor once before doing these exercises.

hip roll
To do this, first of all sit on the back of the mat. Bring the toes of both the feet in a standing position by bringing the knees straight. Remember, while doing this, your torso should stick to the floor on the back. In the next step, slowly move the waist up and bring it back parallel to the mat. Repeat this many times.

back exercise
To do this, lie down on the mat on the back, now bend both the knees and lock them with both the palms, then comfortably rotate the waist round and repeat this many times.

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spine twist
Sit on the back of the mat and spread both the arms in the direction of both the directions in the straight of the shoulders. Now keep it in the line of the hip, that is, in the line of the waist, making an angle of 90 degrees upwards. Now move the waist once to the left so that the left knee touches the mat and the second time to the right so that the right knee touches the mat. Repeat this many times.

breast stroke prep
To do this, lie down on your stomach and keep the distance between both the legs and bend the elbows till the waist a little before. Now by giving the weight of the torso on the elbow, straighten the neck and move it slowly. Then bring it down to the floor. Repeat this many times.

cat stretch
Lie down on your stomach. Get in a table position by bending the palms in line with the shoulders and the knees in line with the hips. Now pull the stomach inwards and move the back as much as possible with the help of shoulders and hips. Repeat this several times.

Disclaimer: Take the method, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as a suggestion, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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