Hardik Pandya Fitness News Today

Hardik Pandya’s fitness tips

We have already told you about Hardik Pandya’s incredible healthy lifestyle. But you also know that anything needs to be extremely flexible, fit and athletic to pull off. So, if you are wondering how to take your fitness game to the next level, here are some Hardik Pandya sanctioned workouts that you can challenge yourself from.

Pandya fitness news

Take your warm up seriously

Warm up is also important like your main workout. Warm-up exercises gradually prepare your body for the upcoming intense session. The key is to increase your heart rate. So, start with some relaxing slow moves and gradually increase your speed. You can include jumping jacks, high knee jumps, lunges, squats and other cardio exercises in your warm-up. For stretching, this is usually done after your workout to help you heal the tiresome session of your muscles.

Lift some heavy weights

Weightlifting has a lot of benefits and unless you’re a newbie, you’ll want to take your strength training sport to the pro level if you want to build an athletic body. Weight lifting makes your BMR stable. There are many dumbbell workouts to help you build muscle and maintain a lean body. Some of them include lateral lifting, dumbbell bench press, shoulder press, alternative fish curls, etc. Include these in your routine and you’re ready to burst.

Try muscle hit workouts

Muscle hit workouts are done during weight lifting and it is a versatile snatch variation that can be done by all-level Olympic weightlifters and fitness athletes. The benefits of this workout include increased pulling stretches, upper body involvement and barbell balance in the bridge that allows you to enhance performance and technical snatch skills. However, don’t do this workout without the supervision of a personal instructor.

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Run harder each morning

We don’t say you should run along with weight around your waste, but if you want to make challenge to yourself further, your 20-minute basic sprints on the treadmill won’t be more effective. To help build more stamina and agility while running, you need to start by taking small steps – increase your mileage by ten percent each week or try a long and slow run. If you want to sweat it out more then you can also run on the changing speed.

Try to do plank variations

You might know that plank is the best exercise for you if you want to make solid visible abs. But you need to do advance level planks to aid your workout challenges. For a healthy plank workout, try low side plank crunches, reverse plank, side plank, extended plank, etc.

Try to use your all gym equipments

If you are working out in a gym and are not able to perform cardio, then you have a problem. Ensure to make use of all gym equipment at least once per week for different sessions and a more smooth followed workout. You can use the rope to help get stretching and more flexible or use the T-bar to do lung exercises. Before you add something new, ask your trainer to introduce you to each tool and machine and what is its use.

Make sure you have a productive day at gym

When you’re in the gym, put all focus and energy into your each and every workout — whether it’s pull ups, weight lifting, cardio, leg lifting or dumbbell variations. Staying persistent with your daily gym routine helps, it is always compulsory to change things when things become boring. For example, if you’re following a particular routine and you’ve hit a plateau, change to another routine to see if it suits better for you.

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