7 Health Benefits of Cycling in Diabetes Management

Credit for inventing the bicycle goes to the German inventor Carl von Dries in 1817. She was nicknamed ‘Swiftwalker’. Although it was an expensive hobby in the early stages, after years of mass production it became a common means of travel. Today we consider it a good tool for exercise.Also read – Find out what your sleep state says about your personality

Cycling has a wide range of health benefits, including diabetes management. Diabetes is a major concern and lifestyle changes such as diet and physical activity are the primary methods of treatment. Physical activity can help promote glucose uptake into muscles and maintain sugar levels. Also read – Feeling bloated? 5 Easy Tips To Reduce Flatulence Quickly And Naturally

What is cycling?

Cycling is an aerobic activity of repetitive and continuous nature which can also be described as continuous physical activity. Also read – Chocolates, Red Wine: 5 Foods You Should Avoid If You Have Migraine – See List

How cycling helps in diabetes –

  1. Cycling is a non-traumatic sport that involves rapid muscle recovery, which is good for people with diabetes.
  2. Anyone can travel long distances without fear of major physical damage.
  3. It helps diabetics as it activates 70% of the muscle mass in the lower extremities.
  4. Anyone, in any age range, can cycle. People can cycle even in their 50’s, 60’s and 70’s and this is one of the biggest benefits for diabetics. It is the most suitable exercise for overweight or obese diabetic patients.
  5. The main cause of type 2 diabetes is insulin resistance. The good news is that even light cycling burns the triglycerides used as the first fuel. This helps in activating the glucose carriers and lowering the blood sugar level.
  6. One study found that cycling at moderate speeds for one hour could halve the sugar content of overweight diabetics in the next 24 hours. Even half an hour of rapid cycling can lower blood sugar levels for the whole day for 19% of people.
  7. Cycling 30 to 60 minutes a day is enough to benefit diabetics. The more you pedal, the more you will keep diabetes away.
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The founder of Freedom from Diabetes, Dr. Inputs from Pramod Tripathi


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