Reverse Dieting: What is reverse dieting, know how to control weight by doing it

Reverse Dieting: If you too are on a weight loss journey, then it is obvious that you must be doing dieting. If you do not follow your dyeing properly, then somewhere you have to bear the brunt of the hard work done by you. There is a rule to do everything and if you take care of these rules then only your dieting will be successful. It was a matter of dieting, but have you heard about reverse dieting or do you know about it! Let us tell you today what is reverse dieting, how to do it and what are the benefits of doing it.

What is reverse dieting
During dieting, you put control on many things, due to which you consume less calories, but when your target is achieved, then you again start taking the same diet as before. It increases the amount of fat in the body as fast again. In such a situation, reverse dieting can be very useful. In reverse dieting, people gradually add calories to their diet, so that the weight does not start increasing again.

When can reverse diet
If someone wants to eat more food keeping the weight under control then.
If one wants to increase the metabolism of the body then.
If someone is constantly hungry for less amount of calories, and you are getting sick from it.
Even if you are eating very few calories and feel weak.

How to follow reverse dieting
increase calorie intake gradually
Do this for 2 weeks and note the change in weight, body activity etc.
If your body weight remains the same after the end of two weeks, add another 150 calories to the diet and continue this process until you notice any steady fat growth.
In this way you continue it like this for 5 weeks and see whether your body weight increases or not. If this happens then it means that you are eating more than calories. In such a situation, you should reduce the calories by 200.

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Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is important to mention here that does not endorse any kind of belief, information. Before applying any information or assumption, consult the concerned expert.

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