Troubled by pimples on face? These measures will give relief in just 2 days

Home Remedies For Ghamori: In summer the temperature is skyrocketing. Sweat starts dripping as soon as you leave the house. In such a situation, the heat gets disturbed due to strong sunlight and sweat. Children and adults all have the problem of heatstroke in summer. Some people get so much prickly heat on the neck and face that the face turns red. Children’s stomach and back become prickly due to sweating. Severe itching and burning in prickly heat disturbs. Sometimes itching also causes rashes on the skin. Due to the increase in prickly heat, wounds also occur. In such a situation, you can overcome the problem of prickly heat with some home remedies. There are many such things in your house that remove the heat.

Get rid of prickly heat with home remedies

Cucumber- Use cucumber to remove the prickly heat. Take half the saline, peel it and cut it into thin pieces. You keep the chopped curry in the fridge for a while. When the cucumber cools down, apply it on the prickly heat. This will give you a lot of relief.

Multani Mitti- Multani mitti is another home remedy to get rid of prickly heat. You mix multani mitti in rose water and apply it on the prickly heat. Wash it off after drying for a while, applying it for about 2-3 days will give relief.

baking soda- If you have got prickly heat then use baking soda. Mix 2 teaspoons of baking soda in a bowl of water and apply it on the prickly area. Wash off after sometime with clean water.

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ice- If you are having a lot of irritation in the prickly heat, then take an ice cube and wrap it in a cotton cloth and apply it on the prickly area. This will give relief in burning and itching and the prickly heat will also be cured.

Aloe vera gel- Use aloe vera gel to get rid of prickly heat. For this, apply aloe vera gel while sleeping at night and wash the skin with cold water in the morning.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

read this also: Antioxidants: From increasing agility to keeping healthy, antioxidants are very important for the body.

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