‘Realistic goals’ that saw slimmer lose huge amount of weight – ‘cardio is not the answer’

At 18 pounds and 5 pounds, Mark reached the highest weight he has ever been. He tried all the famous and non-famous diets, but found himself in a continuous yo-yo cycle for years; lose weight and then gain it back.

Finally, fed up with it and wanting to change his life forever, he decided to enlist the help of a personal trainer.

And he hasn’t looked back since.

“I had just turned 50 and it was clear to me that I needed to make a lifestyle change or I would be struggling in my later years,” said Mark.

“That’s when I was introduced to Nathan.”

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But by reprogramming his way of thinking, he found that he was finally moving forward.

“I learned that cardio is not the answer and there are no such thing as bad foods,” he said.

“[It’s] just taking responsibility for what I was putting in my mouth and how I could reshape my body without breaking a sweat on a treadmill.

“It was never going to be a sprint, so I settled into my custom program and adjusted as he told me through the weekly check-ins and progressively we started to see improvements that created momentum that I loved.”

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Having achieved all the short-term goals, he began to look to the future and with the continued support of his PT, he continued to “stretch”.

“At 54 years old, I recently boxed for cancer research in front of 600 people and got a draw against an opponent who was in his 20s,” smiled Mark.

  If you want to stay healthy avoid drinking raw milk, know the benefits of drinking boiled milk.

“The journey never stops as Nathan kept harping on me and I am happier than I have ever been in my life and I always look forward to the next thing.”

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