COVID-19 doubled mental health risk, loneliness and financial problems among elderly: Study

An estimated 40 percent of older people with probable COVID-19 infection experienced more financial hardship than before the pandemic, compared to 20 percent of people without infection. Feelings of loneliness were also twice as high in older people with probable infection than in those without.

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London: Older adults seem twice as likely to develop mental health problems like depression and anxietyin addition to suffering financial difficulties after contracting Covid-19, finds a study.

The study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, showed that 49% of older adults with a probable Covid infection had clinically significant depressive symptoms, compared with 22% of those without infection.

Meanwhile, 12 percent of people with probable infection were identified as having anxiety, compared to 6 percent of those without infection.

These side effects lasted up to six months after the suspected start of the infection and seemed to get worse.

Additionally, an estimated 40 percent of older people with probable COVID-19 infection experienced more financial hardship than before the pandemic, compared to 20 percent of people without infection. feelings of loneliness they were also twice as high in older people with probable infection as in those without.

“Our study shows that older adults with probable Covid-19 infection experienced higher levels of depression and anxiety, poorer quality of life, heightened feelings of loneliness, and greater financial difficulties compared to those without probable infection. This was evident both in the acute phase of infection and up to six months later,” said lead author Dr Ellie Iob, from University College London.

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“These results suggest that the adverse psychosocial impact of COVID-19 infection is long-lasting and more widely present throughout the population. We encourage anyone who may be experiencing problems with their mental health or well-being to talk to their doctor about header”, additional Iob.

For the study, the team used data from 5,146 adults between the ages of 52 and 74. Participants provided data before the pandemic (2018-19) and at two Covid-19 assessments in 2020 (June-July and November-December).

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