Why you should replace refined oil with cold-pressed or Kachchi Ghani Mustard oil for cooking

Most health experts and nutritionists recommend using mustard oil instead of refined oils.

New Delhi: The increasing incidence of heart disease and other health problems make us think about the lifestyle changes we can make to avoid them. Oil is one of the main parts of our daily diet which is unavoidable, so one must know everything to use it for health benefit.
There are different types of cooking oils available in the markets today. mustard or kashchi ghani You can cook almost all kinds of food, from shallow frying to deep frying, to meet dietary needs. Derived from black mustard seeds, it is a slightly pungent, dark yellow oil. Most health experts and nutritionists today recommend using mustard oil instead of refined oils.

Benefits of cold pressed mustard oil

The following are some benefits of using mustard oil for cooking every day:

  • Extracted through cold pressing, mustard oil contains healthy fats that do not accumulate in the blood vessels.
  • It is a rich source of Omega 3 and Omega-6 fatty acids that are an inexhaustible source of antioxidants and aids in the regeneration and repair of cells in the body.
  • Mustard oil helps lower bad cholesterol levels since it does not adhere to the walls of the arteries, clogging them.
  • mustard oil has Glucosinolatean antimicrobial ingredient that helps protect from infections and free radicals.
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Why not use? refined oil?

Although refined oil is very popular and we have been using it a lot, here are some points to take note of why it should be avoided:

  • Refined oil is natural, but it is processed through various mechanical techniques to make the oil appear transparent and lighter in color.
  • Since they are mechanically processed, to give them a longer shelf life, refined oils undergo a hydrogenation process in which the unsaturated fat is solidified by the addition of hydrogen, resulting in excess Trans fat which is harmful to our health.
  • It doesn’t have many health benefits.
  • Regular consumption of refined oil can lead to cancerdiabetes, digestive problems, obesity and immune dysfunction.

Disclaimer: The tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or dietitian before beginning any fitness program or making changes to your diet.


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