Potato For Weight Loss: Do You Really Have to Quit Eating Aalu to Lose Weight? Here’s What We Know!

Weight Loss Hacks: Potatoes are second on the list of foods to avoid if you’re trying to lose weight. However, you may miss out on the simplest and easiest way to lose weight. While french fries and veggies aren’t the healthiest way to start your fat-to-fit journey, potatoes can help you lose weight. It’s a myth to think that potatoes don’t help you burn fat, and most of us would think twice before labeling them as a healthy food. Calories and carbs don’t equal weight loss, do they? What if we told you that adding cold boiled potatoes to your diet plan could be a simple secret ingredient that instantly doubles your efforts?Also Read – Weight Loss Diet: 5 Super Foods That Will Help You Shed Those Extra Kilos

If you enjoy potatoes and want to include them in your weight loss diet, here are some suggestions:

  1. By adding boiled potatoes to your diet, contrary to popular belief, potatoes are low in calories, unless you fry them and put them on your plate. 10 grams of boiled potato contains only 10 calories. As a result, eating a bowl of boiled potatoes for breakfast or lunch not only fills you up, but contains only 100 calories. That’s not a bad thing.
  2. Potato peels are high in fiber. Fiber stays in your system longer. If you feel full longer, you will naturally feel less full. You can eat baby potatoes or red-skinned potatoes with skin; Both are delicious and nutritious.
  3. If you can use potatoes to make pakoras, you can also use them to make healthy salads. Boil, chop and use in antioxidant-rich salads. Add other high protein and fiber foods to the salad and enjoy a nutritious combination.
  4. Did you know that boiled potatoes have the same calories as sweet potatoes and turnips? Hence, they are an excellent choice for dieters. So it is considered very effective in weight loss diet.
  5. You can add potatoes to your yogurt, first prepare 2 cups of boiled, peeled and diced potatoes. Now, take 2 cups of curd and whisk it until smooth. Refrigerate until ready to serve. You can also garnish it with cumin powder and coriander leaves. Add some black pepper to make it more flavorful and delicious.
  6. To preserve the nutrition in potatoes, avoid using too much oil when cooking or frying them. Also, baking potatoes with butter can increase the calorie count. Organic potatoes are high in dietary fiber and are therefore a better choice.
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Also Read – 5 Food Items You Shouldn’t Eat After 8pm, Even If They’re Free Also Read – Weight Loss Mistakes: 5 Habits That Can Ruin Your Fat Loss Journey


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