If such symptoms are seen in women, then be careful, it may be PCOS

PCOS Symptoms: Many more hormones are made in the body of women than normal. Sometimes due to an imbalance in hormones, an ovulation occurs, due to which the periods do not come on time. It could be PCOS. PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) also has a bad effect on the ovaries, affecting the reproductive organs of women. When the reproductive organs are affected, estrogen and progesterone hormones are not made, due to which the periods become unbalanced.

How to know what is PCOS

  • The first symptom is irregular menstruation
  • to be tired
  • cyst in ovary
  • insulin resistance
  • high testosterone level
  • depression or anxiety
  • Weight gain can also call this problem
  • Hair growth on unwanted parts like chin, face, chest, back, abdomen etc.
  • problems with pregnancy
  • hair loss
  • any skin problems
  • change in behavior
  • suddenly become depressed
  • to be worried
  • irritability
  • recurrent miscarriage
  • If women have such symptoms then they should consult a doctor

PCOS treatment

If you have such symptoms in me, then you can avoid this problem by making changes in your lifestyle to prevent it. Take out time in the morning or evening and go for a walk. Do dance, swimming, aerobics, zumba, yoga, or any kind of physical exercise. The most important thing is that you have to change your diet. Eat nutritious elements in the diet. Avoid junk food, sweet, oily food, cold drinks.

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