The problem of cough will go away soon, keep these things related to food and drink in mind

Types of Cough: There are so many types of cough that it is not easy for a common man to understand their names and reasons. When ayurvedic doctor started telling us the types of cough, we requested him to tell us in that easy language so that we too can understand and our readers should also understand the matter completely so that they can get rid of cough due to any reason in daily life. To cure the problem of cough at your own level. Otherwise, when the situation is out of hand, it is necessary for everyone to seek the help of a doctor. So let us tell you how many types of cough are there usually, for what reasons and what things should be taken care of during this time.

type of cough
According to Ayurveda, there are many types of cough and they are treated on the basis of their type. But as soon as Ayurvedacharya Dr Surendra Singh Rajput gave us 6 types of cough, we requested him to stop before he could go ahead. He told us that superficially speaking, there are two types of cough. First dry cough in which coughing rash arises and second wet cough, with which mucus also comes.

What to do and what not to do in dry cough?

Any type of cough, what to do and what not to do depends on the season in which you have cough. According to the season, the treatment and diet of cough are taken care of. Some simple steps that any sane person can do to cure his cough are as follows…

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Do’s and don’ts for dry cough

  • If dry cough is coming in summer then eat cold and sweet things. For example, kheer, curd-sugar. Any sweet made from mawa. Fresh cheese etc. Keep in mind that here cold does not mean the things kept in the fridge but those things, which are cold in properties and provide coolness and moisture to the body.
  • You can consume jaggery during dry cough in summer. Although jaggery is hot in effect, it gives relief in dry cough and is a phlegm that expels phlegm and pacifies its causes.

What not to eat: Do not eat ice, do not drink cold water kept in the fridge.

What to eat in case of dry cough in winter?

When you are experiencing dry cough in winter, then you should consume hot and sweet things. Like, carrot pudding, hot gulab jamun, hot milk and jaggery, hot jalebi and milk etc. If you have the problem of diabetes, then it is better that you do not take any remedy on your own and visit your doctor.

What is the cure for dry cough?

Sitopaladi churna is an evergreen panacea for dry cough coming in any season. This powder is mixed with cream and licked and shows its effect very quickly.

What to do if you have a whooping cough?

If phlegm is coming with cough, then it does not matter in which season you have had this cough. In this, only one type of treatment has to be done and some things related to daily habits have to be taken care of. For example, in case of cough with phlegm, lick black pepper powder, ginger paste or dry ginger powder, mixing them with honey.

What not to do in cough?
Cough can be anyone and in any season, it is necessary to avoid some things. For example, avoid direct air from AC.

protect against cold
Do not eat cold things. Cold means things kept in the fridge should not be eaten during any kind of cough in any season. For other important information related to cough, click here and know interesting facts.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

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