Diet for Elderly: 5 Easy-to-Digest Foods Choices For Older Adults

Aging is a process that comes with many changes – both in diet and lifestyle. Maintaining a proper diet and healthy lifestyle becomes of paramount importance during this period, especially for those above 65 years of age, as most of the illnesses suffered by the elderly population are a result of poor dietary choices. As the body’s metabolism and lean body mass begin its process of degradation, care must be taken to counter its effects. Fitness and nutrition expert, Rohit Sheltaker shares some easy-to-digest foods that seniors should include in their diet. Read ahead!Also Read – Side Effects Of Milk: Why You Should Never Start Your Day With Milk? Ayurveda explains

5 Easy-to-Digest Food Choices for Adults

  1. curd: As a person ages, his bones become weaker. To counteract some of these effects, a daily intake of calcium is crucial. Yogurt is an excellent source of calcium and must be included in the diet. This superfood is also rich in zinc, vitamin B, probiotics and vitamin D.
  2. Eggs: Protein requirements of humans increase with age and eggs are the easiest and most effective source. It contains 13 essential vitamins and nutrients, including vitamin D as well as choline – a macronutrient that helps with liver function, normal brain development, nerve function, muscle movement, maintaining a healthy metabolism and maintaining muscle mass.
  3. Fish: A complete package of protein and poly-saturated fatty acids such as Omega 3, make fish a very beneficial ingredient in an elderly person’s plate. Healthy fats present in fish reduce the risk of heart disease and maintain heart health.
  4. Fiber: Including fiber in the diet will provide the elderly with the right amount of prebiotics and keep the intestines and digestive system in working order, encouraging the elimination of toxins from the body. Also, it promotes a feeling of fullness, so overeating can be avoided. Foods like garlic, beans, green leafy vegetables and fruits are great sources of fiber.
  5. However, even the most balanced diet may lack adequate amounts of micronutrients for older adults to lead a healthy life. A multivitamin or vitamin supplement should also be included as this will provide older people with the daily requirements of essential micronutrients such as B vitamins, vitamin D, vitamin C, magnesium, iron, zinc and selenium.
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