Your one laugh can drive away many diseases, know why it is important to laugh

Laugh For Health: If you want to be healthy then learn to laugh. Your one smile can drive away many diseases from the body. Everyone likes people laughing and smiling, such people not only drive away their problems but also make other people happy. Yoga and Naturopathy experts believe that laughter is no less than a medicine for the body. There is humor in yoga in which one has to laugh out loud. You must have often seen people doing yoga in the yoga center or park in the morning laughing. Let us know why laughing is so beneficial for our health?

Why is it necessary to laugh and what are its benefits
1- People who laugh openly have good blood circulation. Actually, when we laugh, more and more oxygen reaches the whole body. Laughter keeps the heart pumping rate good.
2- Laughter strengthens the immune system. People who have good immunity are able to fight against diseases. If you start the day with a laugh, then your whole day remains good and full of positivity.
3- By laughing, a hormone called melatonin is made more in the body, which helps in getting you a sound sleep at night. People who have sleep problems should make a habit of laughing.
4- The laughter of your face makes you heart happy too. Laughing makes the heart work better. This reduces the risk of heart attack or other heart-related diseases.
5- By laughing, you can remain young and beautiful for a long time. When you laugh hard, the muscles of the face work well. This improves blood circulation, which makes you look young and beautiful.
6- Your laughter can drive away the fatigue and anxiety of the day. People who live under stress should make it a habit to laugh unnecessarily. No medicine can do that work in driving away stress which can make you laugh.
7- When we laugh, oxygen enters and leaves the lungs rapidly. It helps us to take deep breaths. Laughter is necessary to improve the oxygen supply in the body.
8- Because of your laughter, the mind and mood of the people at home, office or living with you remains good. You create a good atmosphere and give positive energy to people with your laughter.

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Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

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