How to help your teen get moving | CNN

Publisher’s note: Before starting any new exercise program, consult your doctor. Stop immediately if you feel pain.


It’s no secret that exercise is important to your health, whatever your age. And it’s tempting to assume that kids don’t have trouble staying active. After all, there are gym classes at school, recess for the little ones, and organized sports, lots of organized sports. But children, and especially teenagers, are much less active than they seem.

Teens should get at least 60 minutes of moderate or vigorous physical activity every day, according to the World Health Organization. However, a study 2019 published in The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health journal showed that less than 20% of school-going adolescents worldwide are doing as much activity, with girls being less active than boys. In the United States, that figure is only slightly higher, with 24% of children ages 6 to 17 being physically active for 60 minutes a day, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention..

What is behind these lousy numbers? Many things. the charm of organized sports it is fading, primarily due to its rising costs, time commitment, and often hyper-competitive nature. Only 38% of children aged 6 to 12 played an organized sport in 2018, compared to 45% in 2008, according to the Aspen Institute. The Covid-19 pandemic may have further accelerated the downward trend, the Aspen Institute wrote in your 2021 State of Play report.

Then there is the technology. Nearly half of American teens say they are online”almost constantly,” according to a Pew Research Center study, up from just 24% in 2014-2015. And recess and outdoor playtime are no longer required in most schools, said Carol Harrison, senior clinical exercise physiologist at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. Also, more children go to school today than in the past, when they walked or biked.

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“A lot of kids also go back to a house where neither parent may have gotten home from work yet,” Harrison said. “The result, very often, is computer gaming and TV watching, which are very often accompanied by unhealthy snacking.”

This lack of movement is concerning, experts say, and not just from a weight perspective. In addition to improving the health of your heart, muscles, bones, and metabolism, regular exercise helps improve coordination and agility, and the resulting increased blood flow is also helpful to your brain.

“Studies have shown that children who participate in daily physical activities have better results in general terms of attention and concentration, which translates into better academic performance,” he said. “It also helps with impulse control and better management of emotions.”

How do you get your teen to break a sweat? While it can often be challenging, there are many ways to fit more physical activity into children’s lives.

No one wants to be told to get out there and start running. Instead, search activities everyone can enjoy together. This can be as simple as a family bike ride, a round of bean bag toss, or a trip to the park with friends. On days off, schedule a camping trip, where a daily swim, hike, or paddle session is on the agenda.

“Focus on the fun,” Harrison said. “With most kids, fun is a necessary ingredient.” So is the social aspect. “Studies have shown that the No. 1 reason most adults start and continue an exercise program is the social component,” she said. “Children are the same.”

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Organized sports are good for helping teens build social connections and learn about perseverance and teamwork. But some programs focus more on winning and less on developing skills. If your teen is eager to master a particular sport, a competitive program might be a great option. But teens who participate in organized sports for fun and socialization may prefer a less competitive environment.

And keep in mind that coaches play a big role in a team’s activity level, said Jennifer Agans, an assistant professor in the department of recreation, parks and tourism management at Penn State in University Park, Pennsylvania. Some run less active practices, where players may spend a lot of time listening to instructions or waiting in line to take their turn at a basketball shooting drill.

Not all children will enjoy organized sports, especially if they are not competitive. But maybe they would like rock climbing, skateboarding, or performing arts. “My entry point was the youth circus,” Agans said, “and trapeze is a growing youth activity today.”

Rock climbing is a great alternative activity for teens, especially those who don't play organized sports.

There’s also dance, yoga, martial arts, ultimate frisbee, badminton, pickleball and more. Current trend: virtual reality exercise, something Agans said will likely be prominent in the future. Studies they are already showing that it has the potential to have a positive effect on physical activity.

Exercise is not strictly equivalent to sports. Chores burn calories, for example, so assign your kids age-appropriate chores that require more movement. Think about mowing the lawn or vacuuming instead of dusting or drying dishes. Creating a garden is another good option, Harrison said, since gardens involve planting, watering, weeding and more.

Chores like mowing the lawn are a great way for teens to work up a sweat and burn off some calories.

Contests can also promote activity. Challenge your teen to see who can run the fastest, do the most sit-ups, or walk the most steps every day or week. Use small gifts as rewards. And don’t overlook volunteer work, which often involves a lot of movement. Maybe they can participate in a trail building event or help someone pack and move boxes.

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If teens suddenly show no interest in an activity they normally enjoy, sit down for a chat. Perhaps their lack of interest in swimming is because they are suddenly embarrassed to be seen in a bathing suit, Agans said. Or maybe they want to quit soccer because a new teammate makes fun of them, or they don’t have a friend on the team this year.

“Interpersonal restrictions like these can keep people from doing the activities they enjoy,” she said, so don’t assume your teen has suddenly lost motivation to move. Something else could be going on.

Also watch for signs of exercise addiction, which involves excessive exercise and is often linked to eating disorders. Signs of compulsive exercise include losing a lot of weight, exercising more after eating a large meal or missing a workout, and refusing to skip a workout, even when tired, sick, or injured.

As teens find activities they enjoy, be sure to write down all the positives as a result of your increased movement, whether it be stronger muscles, better sleep, or higher energy levels. That can help them on days when their motivation falters, something that happens to children and adults alike.

“Children can learn to be excited to move,” Agans said. “We need to get them on a path where they have a foundation of enjoyment with movement that leads them to seek out activities as young adults.”


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