Is your beloved moving towards depression? Recognize like this… these are the symptoms of depression in children

Cause of depression in childhood: Whenever there is talk of depression, it is seen as a disease of older people or adults. Most people do not know or are not ready to accept that depression can happen in children too. When the child is quiet and alone, the parents feel that it is their habit, but it is not necessary that it should be the same every time. That’s why you must know that by looking at the symptoms, you can know that your child needs your help and is moving towards depression.

There are many types of depression
Just as the causes of depression are different, so are its stages. It is available in mild, moderate and severe categories. Based on the symptoms and on the basis of the mental state of the child, it is ascertained through the assessment that the child is going through which stage of depression.

symptoms of depression in child

  • child is sad and alone
  • Speaks less and whenever he speaks he is disappointed
  • gets irritable and gets angry without talking
  • Changes in sleep patterns, either sleeping less than before or sleeping too much
  • Have trouble concentrating on studies or any work
  • complains of headache and colic
  • feels tired and weak
  • Not able to do everyday tasks like taking bath, going to school, doing homework etc.

Why do children get depression?
This question must be coming in your mind that after all, what is such a big tension in children, due to which children fall in the grip of depression? This question cannot be answered in one line as there can be many different reasons for this, like…

  • genetic
  • Problem with delivery
  • Mother’s exposure to toxins such as lead during pregnancy
  • poor home environment
  • rift between parents
  • child becomes victim of bullying
  • child becomes a victim of sexual assault
  • Fear of something has settled in the mind of the child

child depression treatment
Psychiatrists try to find out the level and causes of depression in the child after assessment and then on the basis of this it is seen whether the child needs medicines or only therapy will work. With the right treatment, the child recovers quickly.

What do parents do?

  • Don’t ask too many questions to the child
  • Do not make the child feel that something very bad has happened to him or that there is something to be afraid of.
  • By lovingly talking to the child, give him courage that you are with him and everything will be fine.
  • Do not make any changes to the baby’s teething routine until the doctor recommends it.
  • Be friendly with the child and play games with him. So that he feels comfortable with you and can openly tell you his problem.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or concerned expert.

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