If you are troubled by headache, then solve the problem with these easy ways, not with the tablet

Get rid of Headache: Headache can happen to anyone, anywhere. This is a problem that troubles children as well as the elderly. Most of the other youth are often caught in its grip. This is because headache does not occur due to any one reason, there are many reasons for it. Also, it is not only due to physical reasons but also due to mental and emotional reasons. Here it is explained in detail…

What are the causes of headache?

  • The main and most common causes of headache are as follows…
  • dehydration i.e. lack of water in the body
  • tension headache
  • headache due to lack of sleep
  • Headache due to gas formation
  • Headache from sleeping too much
  • because of smoking
  • due to fatigue
  • due to eye fatigue
  • Due to weak eyesight
  • due to prolonged exposure to sunlight
  • because of the cold winds

Easiest remedy for headache?

1. A glass of fresh water

If you know the cause of your headache, then the easiest solution is to solve that cause of your headache. But if you do not know the cause of your headache, then the easiest solution is to drink a glass of fresh water to relieve your headache and lie down on the side of the opposite hand for some time. During this, keep your eyes closed and focus your attention on your breath. Take a deep breath. You will get relief within just 5 to 10 minutes. However, this remedy is more effective when the reason for your headache is dehydration i.e. lack of water in the body.

2. Consuming Lemonade

If there is a headache due to gas formation in the stomach, then take a glass of lukewarm water, squeeze half a lemon in it, add two pinches of black salt and drink it. If the problem of gas formation is always there, then make it a habit to do it on an empty stomach in the morning. But do not take lemon on an empty stomach in the morning during winters, it can cause cold or phlegm problem.

3. Get a head massage

Head massage is a good treatment to get rid of headache. Whenever there is a headache due to the problem of heaviness in the head due to tension in the nerves, any anxiety or tension, then getting a head massage provides great relief.

4. Ginger Tea

In case of headache, take tea prepared from ginger and green cardamom. This will give you instant relief.

5. Steam
Vicks steam, mint oil steam or eucalyptus oil steam headache I get instant relief. If you want, apply a few drops of mint oil or UK lipitis oil on your hand and let it dry for a while. By entering the body through the nose, they work to relieve the muscles.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or concerned expert.

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