Leave these habits immediately, otherwise this bone disease will not leave you

Arthritis Disease: Due to bad lifestyle, many diseases go from house to house in the human body. Hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol are all lifestyle diseases. Today is World Arthritis Day. Bone diseases are also usually associated with lifestyle. If a person’s lifestyle is good, then the chances of developing bone diseases are very less. And if the same lifestyle is disturbed, then the risk of getting arthritis becomes very high. This is such a disease in which living life itself seems like a struggle. By taking some precautions, this disease can be driven away. However, if any symptoms like arthritis are coming in the body, then there is a need to show the doctor immediately.

Be sure to recognize these symptoms
Due to arthritis, the patient gets fever again and again. There is pain in the joints. The swelling becomes very high. Hunger is less. There are round shaped lumps around the joints. There is a lot of pain when moving the joint. Red rashes also occur in the body.

How is Arthritis
There is a tissue in the joint. The name is Cortilage. It works by making the joints soft and flexible. If proper amount of cartilage is present in the joints then there is no problem of arthritis. But due to joint injury or any kind of infection, there is a decrease in the cartilage. This increases the risk of developing arthritis.

There are 100 types of arthritis
Doctors say that there are 100 types of arthritis, but which are found to be the most common. Its name is Rheumatoid Arthritis. It is an autoimmune disorder. In fact, an element called synovium is found in the joints. It works to make the cartilage soft and flexible. When Rheumatoid Arthritis is a disease, then the immune system, that is, our immune system, which protects against the disease, starts attacking the Sunovium. This reduces the amount of Sunovium. Gradually, the cartilage starts decreasing and a disease called rheumatic arthritis becomes in the joints.

  Leave the cows, buffaloes and goats, drink camel milk, these problems will disappear.

check and preventive measures
Uric level in the blood is checked. If uric acid increases, it is considered as arthritis. Apart from this, arthritis is also investigated by X-ray. To prevent obesity, reduce obesity, take care of joints on joint injuries, stress should not be taken too much. See a doctor if you have trouble.

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