Men must keep these things in mind to prevent prostate cancer

Prostate Cancer: Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. The prostate is a prostate gland in the body of men, in which spermatozoa are produced. This gland is very small and walnut-sized. If prostate cancer treatment is started only when it is confined to the prostate gland, then the chances of its cure are very high.

The exact cause of cancer that occurs in the prostate gland is also not known properly. In this regard, health experts only say that due to uncontrolled growth in some cells of the prostate, it becomes cancer, as in most cancer cases.

How does cancer happen?

  • Be it prostate cancer or any other cancer, whenever there is a growth of cancer cells in the body, due to the mutation in the DNA of these cells, these cells grow very rapidly and divide and grow continuously.
  • Normal cells have a life, after which they die and new cells are formed in their place. But this is not the case with cancer cells. They just keep on growing and when they gather together, a tumor is formed.
  • This tumor attacks the surrounding tissues and some cells of this tumor continue to grow and spread to nearby organs. In this way the cancer keeps on growing. Blood cancer spreads the fastest among all types of cancer.

These factors increase the risk of prostate cancer?

  • wrong eating habits
  • lack of proper lifestyle
  • heredity
  • obesity and being overweight
  • lack of proper care in old age

What to do to avoid prostate cancer?

  • Men should exercise regularly. Due to this, the cells of the body remain healthy and the blood circulation remains correct.
  • People who have good blood circulation, their body remains healthier than people who do not exercise. By doing yoga and exercise, immunity increases.
  • Having a fixed sleeping and waking time also prevents many unnecessary activities in the body. For example, hormonal imbalance, weight gain, memory loss, etc.
  • The reason for the mutations in the DNA of the cells that take the form of cancer cells is not clear yet, so it cannot be said which of our lifestyle mistakes can trigger this problem. In such a situation, it is necessary that we adopt a balanced diet and a balanced lifestyle.

What to eat to avoid cancer?

To avoid prostate cancer as well as any other cancer, include these things in your diet.

  • Start the day with green tea
  • turmeric milk every night before sleeping
  • Regular consumption of saffron and figs
  • Must eat tomato and broccoli in salad
  • Must eat ginger and garlic in food
  • Eat Blue Berries, Pineapple, Kiwi and Banana
  • Must eat spinach vegetables, greens
  • Must eat 4 walnuts every day, give 2 to the child
  • Eat pomegranate fruit instead of pomegranate juice
  • In the grape season, eat a bowl of grapes every day.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or concerned expert.

Also read-
Cases of breast cancer have increased rapidly in women, these are preventive measures

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