The gene that caused cancer also killed it, the woman won the battle with 5 cancers

Cancer Research: Cancer is a life-threatening disease, once it occurs, the chances of its cure are very less. Tumor is an uncontrolled growth of cells. It is not necessary that every lump is cancerous, but it is not that every lump is not cancerous. Doctors say that if any lump is seen anywhere in the body, immediately show it to the doctor. The reason behind this is that cancer does not show any symptoms in the primary stage. It is known only when it is in advanced stage. Having one cancer ends the longing for life, but what can be said if there are 5 cancers. One such rare case has come to the fore.

According to media reports, research has been published about this in the journal Science Advances. According to research, the woman of SPAIN had 12 tumors. On examination of these, 5 lumps were confirmed to be cancerous. The woman was born in 1986. The age of the woman is currently 36 years. Chemotherapy was performed for the first time for sarcoma in the left auditory canal only at the age of 2 years. After this, every year to two years, some cancer or tumor continued to form. In 2014, the woman had her last operation for a tumor and the tumor was removed from the abdomen.

Genetic mutation caused by tumor
The doctors were in awe of the woman having persistent tumors and becoming cancerous. Why are women getting cancer again and again? Research was done on this. Researchers found that the woman’s tumors were forming and cancer was also happening, but there was no danger from them. Genetic mutation was said to be the reason behind the formation of these cancers and tumors. Both copies of a gene named for this mutation were found. These genes play the role of cell division and proliferation for proteins. One copy of this gene is inherited from the mother and one copy from the father. If two mutated copies go into the gene after mutation, then the pregnancy is not able to develop, but this did not happen to the woman.

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5 How did the woman beat cancer?
Scientists were also worried that if a person has cancer in one place in the body, his chances of survival are very less, but in the case of this woman, she was getting cancer again and again and she was also recovering. Scientist found that two copies of the named gene have not been seen in anyone till date. Due to this gene, the woman was getting cancer again and again and a different type of immune system developed in the woman, from which the cancer was targeting and eliminating the aneuploid cells. Now the lady is fine.

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