After working 8 to 9 hours 5 days a week, when it is the turn of the weekend, everyone wants to go out on the weekend. People go to different destinations on weekends and enjoy there. The drinks taken during the enjoyment later become a cause of trouble for the people. Actually, in the mood of fun, people get so high on weekends that they find it difficult to work in the office on Monday. Sometimes the hangover becomes so much that people take leave from office and go back home. It is not necessary that you have a hangover only after the weekend, taking more drinks than the body’s capacity on any day in the mood of fun can cause a hangover.
By the way, a warning is clearly written on any intoxicant that its consumption is harmful for the body. But, despite this, some people drink them for enjoyment. In the mood of fun, people do not see the capacity of the body and drink many drinks one after the other. According to health experts, our body can digest only 3 drinks in a day. On drinking more than this, a person may have problems like vomiting, headache, restlessness etc. If you also have the problem of hangover after the weekend or someone in the family struggles with hangover, then you can overcome it by taking some home remedies.
Must have breakfast
Whenever you wake up the next day of the party, do have breakfast. Breakfast is helpful in reducing hangover. Nutritionist Priya Kathpal says that if people are having a headache or hangover feeling due to the drink, then breakfast should be eaten with a banana and peanut butter on toast. This removes headache and fatigue.
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drink lemonade
To reduce hangover, mix lemon juice in lukewarm water and drink it. You can drink lemonade after making it on the night of the party or in the morning the next day. This reduces the chances of nausea, vomiting etc.
tea or coffee
The caffeine present in tea and coffee acts as a stimulant which makes our body alert. This reduces the nervousness that occurs during hangover and relaxes the body.
eat curd
To reduce the headache caused by hangover or drink, take curd. Eat curd only after it has faded, do not add sugar etc. to it. Curd communicates good bacteria in the body, due to which the balance of the body is maintained.
Ginger has antioxidant properties which help in getting rid of the toxins of alcohol. By drinking ginger tea, you will get relief from the problems of diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.
sports drink
You can drink sports drinks to reduce hangover. They contain a lot of electrolytes. Actually, due to drinking alcohol, the amount of salt and potassium in the body decreases, which is compensated by electrolytes.
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