Why diabetic women should visit doctor 6 months before planning a baby, here is the answer

Diabetes: Diabetes is such a disease which can become the root of many diseases. Diabetes has a big role in making many diseases serious. Not only diseases, diabetes can affect the fertility of men and women. In such a situation, if you are planning for diabetes and baby, then it is very important to take precautions. In fact, it can affect your child as well. The risk of miscarriage also remains due to diabetes. In such a situation, if you are planning a baby and you are already a diabetic patient, then you should consult a doctor at least 6 months before conceiving.

effect of diabetes on pregnancy
If a woman has diabetes and is going to conceive, then she should visit her doctor as soon as possible. It is necessary to consult a doctor at least 6 months before starting planning to conceive a baby. By doing this, your pregnancy will remain completely under observation. Doctors give necessary advice on many things ranging from maintaining your blood sugar level. Apart from this, it is also advised to include essential nutrients and supplements like folate in the diet chart.

The connection between pregnancy and diabetes
Fertility can be affected by uncontrolled diabetes. There is a problem in conceiving if you are already a diabetic patient. Although pregnancy is a bit difficult in diabetes, but in the case of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, the risk for the mother and the child increases significantly. Due to diabetes There can be a problem of irregular periods in women. There is also a risk of miscarriage and premature delivery.

  पाइल्स का लेजर सर्जरी से इलाज – Best Hindi Health Tips (हेल्थ टिप्स), Healthcare Blog – News

pregnancy planning tips

News Reels

  • If you have diabetes, then before planning pregnancy, definitely control the sugar level.
  • Intake of folic acid is also very important. It is very important to take folic acid during the trimester of pregnancy. This can prevent up to 70 percent of birth abnormalities of the brain and spine. If you have diabetes, then the risk of having children suffering from these diseases increases. In this case, take regular folic acid on the advice of the doctor.
  • Keep yourself active. Exercise regularly.
  • Quit habits like alcohol consumption and smoking.
  • Eat the right amount and balanced diet, so that you get the necessary nutrition.

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